Why are college counselors under so much pressure?

Why are college counselors under so much pressure?

As a result, counselors are under a lot of pressure to ensure advisees apply to and get accepted to those elite schools. In general, the same principles that apply to parents apply to college counselors. For better or worse, however, college counselors are beholden to their schools and parents even more than to students.

Can a teacher recommendation letter make a difference?

But a well-crafted teacher recommendation letter can truly make a difference for your student. And for students who come from low-income homes or have especially tough circumstances, it’s the opportunity to advocate on their behalf.

What’s the problem with high school counselors?

Consequently, the majority of counselors arrive at high schools ignorant about critical college issues even though for many families a bachelor’s degree represents the second biggest expense they will ever face. In my opinion, this is truly scandalous.

When did school guidance counselors become a profession?

Following this, the school guidance counseling profession grows. 1920s: New York becomes the first state to develop certification requirements for school counselors. 1930s: Urban elementary schools begin to offer school counseling services.

Is the guidance and counseling program for middle school?

A look at the guidance and counseling program from the school counselor’s point of view These sample surveys are designed for middle school on up but may be adapted as a school sees fit for any grade level.

How does a guidance counselor help special needs students?

Special needs services. Counselors often help special needs students integrate into classrooms and may oversee programs that address requirements for students with special needs or learning difficulties. Maintain academic standards and set goals for academic success. Develop skills to improve organization, study habits, and time management.

What are the surveys for the guidance and counseling program?

regarding the guidance and counseling program. There are three surveys: 1. A look at the guidance and counseling program from the student point of view 2. A look at the guidance and counseling program from the teachers’ point of view 3. A look at the guidance and counseling program from the school counselor’s point of view