Who says discretion is the better part of valor?

Who says discretion is the better part of valor?

Caution is preferable to rash bravery. Said by Falstaff in King Henry the Fourth, Part One, by William Shakespeare.

What is great valour?

Valour is great bravery, especially in battle. [literary] He was himself decorated for valour in the war. Synonyms: bravery, courage, heroism, spirit More Synonyms of valour.

What does valor mean in a sentence?

boldness or determination in facing great danger, esp. in battle; heroic courage; bravery. a medal for valor.

What does the better part of a year mean?

It means more than half. The better part of a year could be used to describe a period of seven to eleven months. It’s typically used to give emphasis to how long something took. Like many idioms (keep an eye on something, face me, smell a rat) it isn’t literal.

What does discretion is the best part of Valour mean?

—used to say that it is better to be careful than to do something that is dangerous and unnecessary.

What does Valour stand for?

noun. courage or bravery, esp in battle.

What does wallah mean in English?

: a person who is associated with a particular work or who performs a specific duty or service —usually used in combination the book wallah was an itinerant peddler— George Orwell.

What is an example of valor?

Valor is defined as strength or courage, particularly in the face of great danger. An example of valor is the quality that soldiers have when they go into battle. Marked courage or bravery. …

What does the better half of 10 years mean?

Or feasibly, for more than 15 months if we assume by the decade he means the period of ten years starting from 2012 (which I seriously doubt! :). Usually, the (or my) better half is a slang/ironic term for one’s wife (sometimes husband).

What does a better part of mean?

the best​/​better part of something ​Definitions and Synonyms. phrase. DEFINITIONS1. almost all of something, especially a period of time. The journey will take him the best part of a year.

When is discretion the better part of Valour?

If you say discretion is the better part of valour, you mean that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do.

Which is the better part of Valor discretion or look before you leap?

This proverb, a synonym of look before you leap, was first recorded in 1477. Charles Churchill put it in poetic form: “Even in a hero’s heart, Discretion is the better part” ( The Ghost, 1762). Shakespeare also used a form of it: “The better part of valor is discretion” ( 1 Henry IV, 5:4).

Which is the best part of the word VALOUR?

diˌscretion is the ˌbetter part of ˈvalour. (British English) (American English diˌscretion is the ˌbetter part of ˈvalor) (saying) you should avoid danger and not take unnecessary risksThis comes from Shakespeare’s play Henry IV.

When did discretion become the better part of Valor?

This proverb, a synonym of look before you leap, was first recorded in 1477. Charles Churchill put it in poetic form: “Even in a hero’s heart, Discretion is the better part” ( The Ghost, 1762).

If you say discretion is the better part of valour, you mean that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do.

This proverb, a synonym of look before you leap, was first recorded in 1477. Charles Churchill put it in poetic form: “Even in a hero’s heart, Discretion is the better part” ( The Ghost, 1762). Shakespeare also used a form of it: “The better part of valor is discretion” ( 1 Henry IV, 5:4).

diˌscretion is the ˌbetter part of ˈvalour. (British English) (American English diˌscretion is the ˌbetter part of ˈvalor) (saying) you should avoid danger and not take unnecessary risksThis comes from Shakespeare’s play Henry IV.

Which is the better part of Valor, discretion or prudent?

discretion is the better part of valor. It is better to be prudent than merely courageous, as in I’m signing up for the easy course first; discretion is the better part of valor.