Where can I find good sources for a research paper?
Where to Find Credible Sources for Your Research PaperStart with a simple search. Avoid Wikipedia. Use online scholarly databases such as InfoTrac, LexisNexis, and EBSCO, which provide access to the latest research in hundreds of areas.Newspapers and magazines are also rich sources of information about what is happening now. Don’t forget the library.
What are the sources of historical research?
History: Primary & Secondary Sources Primary sources may include diaries, letters, interviews, oral histories, photographs, newspaper articles, government documents, poems, novels, plays, and music. The collection and analysis of primary sources is central to historical research.
Which sources are the most reliable sources of history?
Reliable WebsitesEuroDocs. The links connect to European primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. Google Cultural Institute. Explore collections from around the world with Google Arts & Culture.Internet History Sourcebooks Project. World Digital Library.
What are the 3 historical sources?
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary SourcesPrimary Sources.Secondary Sources.Tertiary Sources.Primary and Secondary Sources in Law.
What are some trustworthy websites?
Just type in the information you need to find, and get a list of credible websites.Google Scholar.iSeek.Microsoft Academic.Refseek.OCLC.org.Dogpile.Core.
What are three reliable sources?
Types of Reliable Sources Original research, extensive bibliography. Found in GALILEO’s academic databases and Google Scholar. Anatomy of a Scholarly Article. Trade or professional articles or books – written by practitioners in a field to impart practice-oriented information.
Can .gov be fake?
Victims looking for government services — such as a replacement Social Security card — search online and click through to a fake government site. To avoid being scammed, users should make sure they are on an official government site, signified by the . gov domain.
Who can get a .gov website?
Authorization. To register a gov domain, a letter of authorization must be submitted to the GSA. For federal agencies, the authorization must be submitted by a cabinet-level chief information officer (CIO). For state governments, authorization from the governor or state CIO is required.
Is .com a domain name?
.com was introduced as one of the first top-level domains (TLDs) when the Domain Name System was first implemented for use on the Internet in January 1985.
Can anyone register a .gov domain?
When visiting a government website, it’s natural to relax and assume the site is secure and you’re safe. However, it turns out anyone can register a . Gov domain name with a little bit of forgery and fraud.