When did I put my career on hold to raise my daughter?

When did I put my career on hold to raise my daughter?

When I put my career on hold in 1996 to stay at home with my infant daughter, I had mixed feelings about my decision. I felt I was doing what I needed to do, yet I felt a certain loss of identity. I had worked as a librarian and coordinator of a job information center for six years and had very strong ties to my career.

Why did you leave the last job you had?

So, in the end, a best answer for the “why did you leave your last job” depends on the length and reason of your unemployment. The one perk of getting laid off from a job? It didn’t have anything to do with your performance. Companies make layoffs all the time. They merge, reorganize, and lose money.

Why did I leave my job to care for my child?

In some cases, candidates may have left a job to care for an ill spouse, child, or parent. It can be appropriate to share this information if the situation has been resolved and you are now able to devote your full time and attention to work.

When to take time off from your career to raise kids?

As my daughter got closer to kindergarten, I continued to build my skills so that as she needed me less during the day, I had a career to turn to (and another transition to get through). The beginning of your child’s life does not need to signal the end of your professional life. The choice is yours though.

When does a parent’s job end when their child goes to college?

A parent’s job doesn’t end when her child graduates from high school and goes off to college, and the Internal Revenue Service recognizes this. Your daughter is usually still your dependent even if she works, and she can still be your dependent if she goes away to school.

So, in the end, a best answer for the “why did you leave your last job” depends on the length and reason of your unemployment. The one perk of getting laid off from a job? It didn’t have anything to do with your performance. Companies make layoffs all the time. They merge, reorganize, and lose money.

When does my daughter lose her dependent status?

If she’s still in school when she turns 25, she loses her dependent status, and if she’s 21 years old and graduates in June, you can no longer claim her as your dependent. She must be a full-time student at the end of the tax year.

In some cases, candidates may have left a job to care for an ill spouse, child, or parent. It can be appropriate to share this information if the situation has been resolved and you are now able to devote your full time and attention to work.