What should a supervisor do if an employee is unsatisfactory?

What should a supervisor do if an employee is unsatisfactory?

If an employee’s job performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor should record that fact in her file. Depending on the severity of the performance issues, the supervisor should consider disciplinary warnings and a corrective action plan.

What should a supervisor do if an employee keeps reapplying?

Supervisors need to understand that documentation can make or break a case. If an employee’s job performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor should record that fact in her file. Depending on the severity of the performance issues, the supervisor should consider disciplinary warnings and a corrective action plan.

What happens if a supervisor fails to document poor performance?

If a supervisor fails to document an employee’s poor performance or if the behavior isn’t bad enough to document, then the company may have problems asserting any previous performance issues as a defense to discrimination claims. Supervisors need to clearly understand that their failure to document problems can result in liability for the company.

Why does my former employee keep reapplying for jobs?

Q: We have a job applicant who worked for us approximately six years ago. There’s nothing negative in her file, but there were some issues with her job performance. Neither of her former supervisors wants to hire her back. She has applied several times and has received rejection letters, but she keeps reapplying.

Can a supervisor cause an employee to be fired?

In such jurisdictions, if a supervisor discriminates and, thus, causes a manager to fire a worker based on gender, the worker would not have a valid claim for employment discrimination unless the manager also discriminated against the employee.

If an employee’s job performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor should record that fact in her file. Depending on the severity of the performance issues, the supervisor should consider disciplinary warnings and a corrective action plan.

What happens if a woman works under a supervisor?

A woman works under a supervisor who has repeatedly made it clear that he resents women who work for the employer because of his perception that they get pregnant at a moment’s notice and leave a hole in the workforce.

Supervisors need to understand that documentation can make or break a case. If an employee’s job performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor should record that fact in her file. Depending on the severity of the performance issues, the supervisor should consider disciplinary warnings and a corrective action plan.