What is the difference between I wonder and I was wondering?

What is the difference between I wonder and I was wondering?

“I was wondering” can be used to make indirect polite requests. For example: “I was wondering if I could borrow your book.” “I was wondering if you could drive me to the airport.” “I wonder” is not used for indirect requests.

Do you put question mark at the end of I was wondering?

“I was wondering” is a statement of fact, not a question. Even though you are really asking a question, “Would you like to meet up?,” the grammatical form of what you wrote is a declarative sentence. That’s why you should use a period.

Is it ” I’m just wondering if you have received “?

I’m just wondering if you have received or I’m just wondering if you had received ? I’m just wondering if you have received is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! 28 records Once again, I’m just wondering if you have received my order since I accidentally ordered off of thedollyeye.com instead of coseye.net.

Is it acceptable to use ” just wondering ” as a question?

Closed 2 years ago. I often find myself writing sentences such as: “I am wondering if the landlord replied to you yet?” And I always end up removing the question mark and rephrasing the sentence.

What does the phrase ” I was wondering if ” mean?

b) used to ask someone politely if they would like to do something I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner. → wonder Examples from the Corpus I was wondering if/whether • I was wondering if you could babysit tomorrow night. • We were wondering if you’d like to come with us. • Actually, I was wondering if I could paint the room?

Which is correct I was wondering what’s the difference between A and B?

In my opinion both are correct, and the first one seems more balanced the the second, as A and B can be long. The problem with “I was wondering what are the differences between A and B” is that the segment “I was wondering” is a complete sentence and “What are the differences between A and B?” is a complete sentence.