What is results and discussion in research paper?

What is results and discussion in research paper?

Results: empirical findings of your research method used. Discussion: explanation or interpretation of your above results / findings e.g. why these relationships are in/significant, weak / strong etc. Conclusions: summary of your research.

What is a discussion paper?

A discussion paper shows and discusses the issues that surround a specifically chosen topic. When writing this kind of paper, you must include thorough points of both sides of the topic being discussed, reliable fact-finding and evidence considering the topic.

How long is a discussion paper?

approximately 1500 words

How do you answer a discussion question?

Discuss. ‘Discuss’ question words typically require an in-depth answer that takes into account all aspects of the debate concerning a research topic or argument. You must demonstrate reasoning skills with this type of question, by using evidence to make a case for or against a research topic/argument.

How do you write a good discussion question?

Tips for Writing Discussion QuestionsCompare, contrast, and look for connections between articles assigned on a given day with each other or with past articles assigned for class.Look for gaps in authors’ reasoning or statements that you find problematic.Think about the broader issues that the author’s arguments point to.

How do you start answering a question?

Begin your answer by rephrasing the essay question as a statement. The best way to start an essay answer is to rephrase the question in the form of a statement. Opening your essay in this way signals to the professor that you have read and understood the question.

How do you write a good answer?

Set the priority. List out the questions which you are more confident about. Write a brief, to the point answers. 10 most effective preparation tips to score more than 90% marks in board exams.Choose questions wisely.Attempt all the questions.Don’t decorate the answer sheet.Space out each word.Don’t panic.

How do you write a short answer question?

Begin each answer with one or two sentence thesis which summarizes your answer. If possible, phrase the statement so that it rephrases the question’s essential terms into a statement (which therefore directly answers the essay question).

How do you write in your own words?

Include only those. Try to express the information in your own words, without looking at the original. Check your text against the source to ensure two things: that the information you have written down is consistent with the source and that your phrasing is not too close to the original. Revise your text if necessary.

How much should I write for 3 marks?

Usually for three mark answer, you are expected to write at least three points while for five mark answer, you should write five points. However, at times if you feel that you are not able to cover the three marker question in three points, you may write four points.

How much should I write for 4 marks?

You should write at least 6 points for 3 marks. and you should write atleast 8 points for 4 marks.

How much should I write for 10 marks?

It means for 10 marks question you should approximately write answer in 300 words. If you are typing in word file then it would be around a half page of A4 size page with 12 font size.

How much should we write for 5 marks?

for 5 marks question – write in 100–120 words or half paragraph.