What is one option for a federal employee making a discrimination complaint?

What is one option for a federal employee making a discrimination complaint?

If you believe that you have been discriminated against by a federal agency, you have a right to file a complaint with that agency. The first step in alleging EEO-related discrimination is to contact an EEO Counselor at the agency within 45 calendar days of the discriminatory action.

Is it illegal to discriminate against federal employees?

Federal government employees can expect legal protections against illegal discrimination at work usually comparable to protections that apply to private-sector employees. This page provides answers to questions federal employees may have about discrimination in the workplace.

Which is an example of a federal discrimination law?

Federal discrimination laws are legislation that prohibit employers from discriminating against job applicants and employees based on characteristics, such as age, race, and religion. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is an overarching law that serves as an example of a federal discrimination law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

How often are federal employees accused of discrimination?

More than 15,000 federal employees filed discrimination complaints against their agencies in fiscal 2012, a 6.7 percent decrease from the previous year. Those complaints led to more than 10,000 investigations, according to a recent report from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which were completed in an average of 187 days.

What are the laws on discrimination in the workplace?

This legislation prohibits employers from harassing or discriminating against job applicants or employees on the basis of a protected characteristic such as: 1 Age 2 Race 3 Sex 4 Sexual orientation 5 Religious beliefs 6 National origin and more

Does the EEOC really help federal employees?

The EEOC provides leadership and guidance to federal agencies on all aspects of the federal government’s equal employment opportunity program. EEOC assures federal agency and department compliance with EEOC regulations, provides technical assistance to federal agencies concerning EEO complaint adjudication, monitors and evaluates federal agencies’ affirmative employment programs, develops and distributes federal sector educational materials and conducts training for stakeholders, provides

What is federal law against discrimination?

The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, or ADEA (29 U.S.C. § § 621-634), is the primary federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees and applicants who are at least 40 years old based on age.

How does an employee prove discrimination?

Through circumstantial evidence, an employee is able to prove discriminatory intent. This is done by showing that an employee was treated differently, and less favorably, than similarly situated individuals who did not share the same protected characteristics.

Can a fed employee be fired?

Certainly, federal employees have more protection than most private-sector employees who generally serve “at-will” and can be fired with little or no notice. However, federal employees can be terminated, it just requires more diligence and effort by management.