What happens if you violate the Internet usage policy?

What happens if you violate the Internet usage policy?

Employees who don’t conform to this employee internet usage policy will face disciplinary action. Serious violations will be cause for termination of employment, or legal action when appropriate. Examples of serious violations are: Using our internet connection to steal or engage in other illegal activities.

Can a company fire you for using the Internet?

In fact, 28 percent of employers report that they’ve fired people for using the Internet for non-work-related activity (such as shopping online or checking out Facebook, for example) during the workday and 18 percent have dismissed employees because of something they posted on social media, according to CareerBuilder.

What does it mean to have an employee internet policy?

May also be called Employee Internet Policy, Company Internet Policy or Computer Usage Policy. Our employee internet usage policy outlines our guidelines for using our company’s internet connection, network and equipment. We want to avoid inappropriate or illegal internet use that creates risks for our company’s legality and reputation.

How many companies have fired workers for Internet misuse?

The study, conducted by the American Management Association (AMA) and The ePolicy Institute, surveyed 304 U.S. companies of all sizes. The vast majority of bosses who fired workers for Internet misuse — 84 percent — said the employee was accessing porn or other inappropriate content.

In fact, 28 percent of employers report that they’ve fired people for using the Internet for non-work-related activity (such as shopping online or checking out Facebook, for example) during the workday and 18 percent have dismissed employees because of something they posted on social media, according to CareerBuilder.

How many people have been fired for using the Internet?

While looking at inappropriate content is an obvious no-no on company time, simply surfing the Web led to a surprising number of firings. As many as 34 percent of managers in the study said they let go of workers for excessive personal use of the Internet, according to the survey.

Can a person be fired for using social media?

In fact, 28 percent of employers report that they’ve fired people for using the Internet for non-work-related activity (such as shopping online or checking out Facebook, for example) during the workday and 18 percent have dismissed employees because of something they posted on social media, according to CareerBuilder.

Can a person be fired for their online behavior?

If people aren’t engaging in a conversation with co-workers, they can be fired for their online behavior. “An employer could terminate an employee for saying, ‘This employer’s a cheapskate, or cheats on my wages, or is stealing my tips,’ or whatever the issue is,” says attorney Mark Kluger.