What does sanction mean in workplace?

What does sanction mean in workplace?

There are a range of sanctions that at the end of a disciplinary process can be imposed on an employee, they range across letter of concern, verbal warning to more severe sanctions including dismissal or demotion.

Which are the examples of misconduct which could result in discipline?

Examples of Misconduct

  • poor timekeeping.
  • minor breaches of health and safety requirements.
  • unauthorised absence.
  • failure to follow the rules on reporting sickness absence.
  • breach of dress code.
  • failure to obey a lawful and reasonable instruction.
  • breach of employer’s smoking policy.

Why are sanctions different from employer to employer?

Sanctions can vary from employer to employer as there might be a particular act or omission by the employee that is particularly crucial in your businesses or industry and hence a harsher sanction could be issued.

How are sanctions applied in the public service?

The public service must therefore be seen to apply sanctions in a fair and consistent manner relating to acts of misconduct which are similar and where there are comparable circumstances relating to the transgressions. 4 2. PREAMBLE

What causes an employer to take disciplinary action?

Violations, therefore, shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action. These rules are published for the employees’ information and protection. Ignorance of work rules is not an acceptable excuse for violation. It is each employee’s responsibility to know the rules and abide by them.

How are sanctions imposed for acts of misconduct?

In striving for consistency in the sanctions imposed for similar acts of misconduct, it should always be noted that the mitigating and aggravating circumstances which apply differ from case to case, and there may be justification for different sanctions.

Sanctions can vary from employer to employer as there might be a particular act or omission by the employee that is particularly crucial in your businesses or industry and hence a harsher sanction could be issued.

Violations, therefore, shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action. These rules are published for the employees’ information and protection. Ignorance of work rules is not an acceptable excuse for violation. It is each employee’s responsibility to know the rules and abide by them.

When is it lawful to treat employees differently for the same misconduct?

Disparity of treatment: when is it lawful to treat employees differently for the same misconduct? Employers need to tread carefully in situations where disparity of treatment arises.

When is it lawful to impose a harsher sanction?

To impose a harsher sanction for behaviour that has historically been condoned (or for which a less severe sanction has been applied), there will need to be aggravating or differentiating factors to justify a departure from past practice.