What does it mean to be subjected to something?

What does it mean to be subjected to something?

1 : to cause or force (someone or something) to experience (something harmful, unpleasant, etc.) They are suspected of subjecting their children to abuse.

What does subject of the work mean?

Subject Work means any Work which is conceived by Employee alone or in a joint effort with others and which indirectly or directly results from Employee’s employment by the Company.

How do you use subjected in a sentence?

1. You may be subjected to a disciplinary enquiry. 2. The Government’s record will be subjected to/come under scrutiny in the weeks before the election.

Is it subject to or subjected to?

The adjective subject to implies that the job applicants must undergo scrutiny, whereas the verb form subjected to more strongly emphasizes the fact that the job applicants were the direct objects of intensive interviews, background checks, and assessments because the verb more clearly expresses action that is …

Have been subjected meaning?

Subjected to means an action is actually perpetrated upon a person, the action is no longer simply a possibility but an actual event. For instance, a person boarding an airplane who has been physically patted down has been subjected to a search. When pronouncing subjected to, the accent is on the second syllable.

What is subject to approval?

What does ‘subject to approval’ mean? Courses advertised ‘subject to approval’ have successfully completed the first stage of the approval process. However, the full academic detail is subject to consideration and approval by the University in the second and final stage of the approval process.

What does subject mean in a form?

noun. that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation, etc.: a subject of conversation.

Is subjected correct?

Subjected to is the past tense or past participle of the verb to subject to, which means “to cause to undergo something, to bring under the control of”: The conquered territories were subjected to martial law.

What is the meaning of subject to tax?

On the other hand, ‘subject to tax’ means that the relevant income has to be actually taxable and the customer cannot be exempt from tax on that income. The remittance basis applies: the person is subject to tax only on the sums remitted.

How do you use subjected to?

Which is subjected to change?

Subject to change means the conditions set are prone to or likely to be affected by change. This usually goes for schedules, prices, some specific policy set before.

What does it mean to be subject to?

Subject to means is susceptible to, on condition of, or has a tendency toward. Subject to may also mean that a person is in a legal position whereby certain actions may be perpetrated upon them. For instance, a person boarding an airplane is subject to a pat down.

What does it mean to be subjected to an action?

Subjected to means an action is actually perpetrated upon a person, the action is no longer simply a possibility but an actual event. For instance, a person boarding an airplane who has been physically patted down has been subjected to a search.

What does ” suffer or permit to work ” mean?

Suffer or Permit to Work. The FLSA defines the term “employ” to include the words “suffer or permit to work”. Suffer or permit to work means that if an employer requires or allows employees to work, the time spent is generally hours worked.

What to do if you have a problem with an employer?

If the employer isn’t willing to admit its wrongdoing or correct the problem, you may have to take your concerns to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your state’s fair employment agency.