What do you need to know about FMLA for Temps?

What do you need to know about FMLA for Temps?

To be eligible for FMLA, the temp must have worked at least 1,250 hours (about 24 hours per week on average) for you over the 12-month period preceding the leave request. Some temps may well have accumulated that much time. To be eligible for FMLA, all employees must work at a worksite that has 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius.

When do you not have to pay for FMLA?

If a legal holiday, such as Memorial Day, falls within a period that an employee is out on FMLA, you do not have to pay the employee for the holiday; the entire week counts as FMLA. However, if the employer’s offices are closed and no business is being conducted on that holiday,…

What makes an employer eligible for a FMLA?

To be eligible for FMLA, all employees must work at a worksite that has 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius. You have a greater chance of being considered the primary employer if you exercise control over the temp and have the right to hire, fire and supervise the employee.

Is it illegal to talk about your employer on social media?

Under the NLRA, employees are given wide latitude to talk about their employers publicly, including on social media. That’s because trying to curtail worker communications can be seen as an illegal attempt to prevent them from unionizing or organizing.

Who are jerks to employees on FMLA leave?

They are “oversharers,” telling employees why they think it isn’t a good time for leave to be taken. They are jerks to workers who are on FMLA leave. They badger employees on FMLA leave with work concerns.

When does an employer have to notify an employee of FMLA?

Under the regulations, an employer must notify an employee whether leave will be designated as FMLA leave within five business days of learning that the leave is being taken for a FMLA-qualifying reason, absent extenuating circumstances.

How can a manager get in trouble with the FMLA?

Support and shape the future of talent management live online, or in-person. CHICAGO—If not trained carefully, managers can get your company into serious trouble by violating the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). They are “space cases” and fail to recognize the need for FMLA leave.

Do you need to mention FMLA in an absence request?

Before you go deleting those messages, however, remember that employers should not lose sight of the longstanding admonition that employees do not need to specifically mention FMLA in an absence request and that employers have a duty to inquire further into a potential FMLA leave request if warranted by an employee’s statements.