What do you need to know about employment in Connecticut?

What do you need to know about employment in Connecticut?

Under Connecticut law, employers cannot refuse to hire or terminate an employee because of a criminal record. Obviously, each case is different, so you will need to contact an employment attorney in our office to figure out if you are protected. 8. You May Have a Legal Right to Severance Pay

What are the rules for quitting a job in Connecticut?

Disqualification for Quitting a Job States have complete discretion to disqualify employees who quit work without sufficient cause. Under Connecticut law, a claimant is not eligible if he voluntarily leaves suitable work without good cause attributable to his employer.

Who is disqualified from unemployment in the state of Connecticut?

A claimant who fails to apply for and accept suitable work, including an employee of a temporary help service who refuses suitable employment offered by the service, is disqualified until he returns to work and earns at least six time his benefit rate. Special Disqualifications

What can an employer say about a former employee?

Legally, a former employer can say anything that is factual and accurate. Concern about lawsuits is why many employers will only confirm dates of employment, your position, and salary. How to Check on What the Company Will Disclose

Under Connecticut law, employers cannot refuse to hire or terminate an employee because of a criminal record. Obviously, each case is different, so you will need to contact an employment attorney in our office to figure out if you are protected. 8. You May Have a Legal Right to Severance Pay

A claimant who fails to apply for and accept suitable work, including an employee of a temporary help service who refuses suitable employment offered by the service, is disqualified until he returns to work and earns at least six time his benefit rate. Special Disqualifications

Disqualification for Quitting a Job States have complete discretion to disqualify employees who quit work without sufficient cause. Under Connecticut law, a claimant is not eligible if he voluntarily leaves suitable work without good cause attributable to his employer.

Can a former employer give information about a former employee?

In some states, employers may provide information about a former employee only with the employee’s consent.