What can I claim for work injury compensation?

What can I claim for work injury compensation?

If you are covered by the Work Injury Compensation Act ( WICA ), you can claim for the following types of compensation benefits: Medical leave wages for days you were issued with medical leave or light duty, due to the work injury or disease. Medical expenses, including your hospital bills, medication and other charges, due to the work injury.

When to claim workers compensation for medical expenses?

Workers compensation may also cover surgery costs, if it is the only effective treatment available for the injury or illness. However, it will be approved only if other lines of treatment have been tried and have been found to be ineffective. Many workers would like to know as to when will the medical bills be paid.

What is compensation for non-permanent work injuries?

Non-permanent work injuries refers to an injured employee being temporarily unable to perform work and earn his usual wages after being placed on medical leave. Compensation for such work injuries consists of: Medical leave wages for working days covered by doctor granted MC or hospitalisation leave, up to one year from the date of the accident.

What happens if I settle my workers’comp case?

If the settlement specified that you would be compensated for future medical expenses, you can submit your bill for surgery or other medical treatment for reimbursement. But you’ll need to reopen your workers’ comp case if you want to get temporary disability or permanent disability benefits in addition to the medical costs.

Can you file a workers comp claim for pain and suffering?

Just to reiterate, in the foregoing cases, filing a personal injury lawsuit is your only option. You cannot split up your claim by filing a workers’ comp claim for lost wages and medical expenses plus a personal injury lawsuit for pain and suffering.

How does the compensation formula work in a personal injury case?

And the formula doesn’t actually determine how much compensation someone receives. It is just a device insurance adjusters use to begin the process of figuring out how much a personal injury claim is worth. A final determination about compensation is not made until several other factors are considered.

How are medical expenses included in the damages formula?

That’s where the damages formula comes in. At the beginning of negotiations on a claim, an insurance adjuster will add up the total medical expenses related to the injury. These expenses are referred to as “the medical special damages” or simply “specials.”

How are medical specials multiplied in an injury case?

After that amount is arrived at, the adjuster will then add on any income you have lost as a result of your injuries. That total—medical specials multiplied by 1.5 to 5 (and occasionally higher), then added to lost income—becomes the number from which settlement negotiations begin.