What are the rights of an employee in the United States?

What are the rights of an employee in the United States?

Report discrimination, participate in a discrimination investigation or lawsuit, or oppose discrimination (for example, threaten to file a discrimination complaint), without being retaliated against (punished) for doing so. These rights are based on federal employment discrimination laws.

Are there any federal laws that protect employees?

Among other federal laws that protect against workplace inequality are the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, which applies to workers 40 years and older, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or ADA.

Who is responsible for enforcing federal employment laws?

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces most federal employment laws, including those covering wages and hours of work, safety and health standards, employee health and retirement benefits, and federal contracts. Several other federal agencies also administer laws affecting employment issues.

Are there laws against discrimination in the workplace?

Yes, various federal, state, and local laws protect employees from employment discrimination. Federal employment laws prohibit employers from discriminating against employees and job applicants on the bases of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, disability, genetic information, or age.

Report discrimination, participate in a discrimination investigation or lawsuit, or oppose discrimination (for example, threaten to file a discrimination complaint), without being retaliated against (punished) for doing so. These rights are based on federal employment discrimination laws.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces most federal employment laws, including those covering wages and hours of work, safety and health standards, employee health and retirement benefits, and federal contracts. Several other federal agencies also administer laws affecting employment issues.

Are there any laws that apply to all employees?

Some laws, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and state Workers’ Compensation laws, apply to all employees but have disability-related implications when employees are injured or become disabled on the job.

Are there federal labor laws for salaried employees?

Federal Labor Laws For Salaried Employees. While labor laws are designed to afford the same sorts of protections and benefits to all American workers, the implementation of these protections differs depending on whether someone is paid on an hourly or salary basis. Hourly workers are protected by federal minimum hourly wage standards…