What are contributions in a research paper?

What are contributions in a research paper?

The purpose of the contribution statement is to summarize the new contribution this manuscript makes to knowledge beyond the existing literature (in fewer than 350 words). It should not merely replicate the information in the abstract. Contribution statements and abstracts are intended for different audiences.

What is a Contributorship statement?

Each contributorship statement should make clear who has contributed what to the planning, conduct, and reporting of the work described in the article, and should identify one, or occasionally more, contributor(s) as being responsible for the overall content as guarantor(s).

How do you write an author’s contribution to a research paper?

Q: How to draft the authorship contribution statementConception or design of the work.Data collection.Data analysis and interpretation.Drafting the article.Critical revision of the article.Final approval of the version to be published.

How do you write equal contributions?

The equal contributions footnote specifies if two or more authors contributed to the manuscript equally. It would appear under the author byline on the PDF. If only some of the authors have the equal contribution designation, the footnote will say, “These authors contributed equally”.

Can you have multiple first authors?

Sometimes papers have multiple first authors, in the sense that it is stated explicitly in the paper that “These authors have contributed equally to the work”. But in citations and reference lists this information is often not preserved, and so the paper will, for many purposes, only have one first author.

How many authors are in a case report?

The number of authors for a case report should be limited to three to five, who should be the physicians directly involved with the case. Additional contributors to the case should be mentioned in the acknowledgements.

What makes a good case report?

Generally, a case report should be short and focussed, with its main components being the abstract, introduction, case description, and discussion. This article discusses the essential components of a case report, with the aim of providing guidelines and tips to novice authors to improve their writing skills.

Where do I submit my case report?

Where to Publish Case ReportsElsevier Journal Finder.Edanz Journal Selector.EndNote Manuscript Matcher.Springer.

How do you start a case report?

Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Case Report (Part 1)Step 1: Identify the Category of Your Case Report. An unexpected association between diseases or symptoms. Step 2: Select an Appropriate Journal. Step 3: Structure Your Case Report According to the Journal Format. Step 4: Start Writing. Step 5: Collect Information Related to the Case.

How do you write a case brief?

Steps to briefing a caseSelect a useful case brief format. Use the right caption when naming the brief. Identify the case facts. Outline the procedural history. State the issues in question. State the holding in your words. Describe the court’s rationale for each holding. Explain the final disposition.

What type of study is a case report?

Case reports and case series or case study research are descriptive studies that are prepared for illustrating novel, unusual, or atypical features identified in patients in medical practice, and they potentially generate new research questions.