What are attendance problems of employees?

What are attendance problems of employees?

Attendance problems encompass excessive absences, arriving to work late and leaving early, and unnecessarily long or frequent breaks. Cumulatively, these habits cost businesses millions of dollars each year in lost productivity and threaten to damage morale among the entire workforce.

Why is attendance a problem in the workplace?

Attendance is critical in many customer-facing jobs. Poor attendance saps the morale of employees, costs employers overtime expenses, and reduces employee engagement. Poor attendance takes supervisory time and attention and often results in disciplinary action. You can manage employee attendance to reduce attendance problems.

How to address employee attendance issues in 5 positive steps?

Addressing employee attendance issues is best done by emphasizing relationships not rules. Yet, these issues can ignite the fire that ends of burning manager-employee relations. In truth, they can be a path to better ones if addressed positively. To that end, I suggest these five steps: Employees need to vent about their attendance issues.

What happens if you allow an attendance problem to go unchecked?

Allowing an attendance problem to go on unchecked reinforces the problem. If a supervisor does not talk to the employee about regularly showing up 20 minutes late, then the employee will start to assume being lax about punctuality is acceptable.

What should be included in an attendance policy?

Ensure you have an attendance policy that clearly explains your attendance expectations and the consequences of not following the attendance guidelines. This way, there’s no confusion – employees are aware of what they need to avoid. You can include your attendance policy in your employee handbook .

What is employee attendance?

Workplace attendance is whether an employee has shown up for work at the appointed hour and time. The term most frequently refers to employees who are paid hourly. Hourly workers are generally non-exempt, meaning they are covered by the wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

What is the importance of attendance?

Importance of Attendance in the Workplace. Maintaining great attendance is crucial to help you do well as an employee as well as allows you to be in good standing with your employer. Being present and on time helps you strengthen your work credibility and work history.

What is an example of attendance?

Attendance is also referred to as “present at work” or “presenteeism”. For example, an HR department may make notes in an employee’s personnel file or in a company’s assessment of its workplace challenges or goals.

How does attendance work?

Work attendance is of course an employee’s ability to be at work, at their given start time, and doing their assigned work at that time. Usually, companies and businesses will ask that employees come within fifteen minutes of their scheduled work shifts in order to get themselves in order to begin their jobs at the appointed time.