How to purchase from Washington State master contracts?

How to purchase from Washington State master contracts?

Multi-Column Sorting. You can execute multi-column sorting by holding the SHIFT key while you click the table column headings. Learn how to purchase from Washington State Contracts. Contact DES Contracts, Procurement and Risk Management with questions by email, or by phone at: 360-407-2210.

What are the requirements for a statewide contract?

The statewide contracts have met state requirements for competitive bidding and other procurement laws, reducing risk and streamlining the purchasing process for agencies.

Where to find common use arrangements in WA?

Welcome to the new Contracts WA website, where you can find buyers’ guides for Common Use Arrangements (CUAs), Regional Buying Arrangements (RBAs) and Group Buying Arrangements (GBAs). If you are a supplier wanting to sell to government, find more information on the supplying goods and services guide.

When does the new green contract come out?

DES will be piloting the new Green Contract and Product Criteria on several Master Contracts through Q1 of 2021. DES is currently working to develop guidance and tools in support of Section 1.A of Executive Order 20-01 (SEEP) that will be available at the beginning of 2021.

Where are master contracts located in Washington State?

1500 Jefferson Street, #6097. Olympia, WA 98501. Statewide master contracts for goods and services are designed to make it easier for state agencies, local and tribal governments, public school districts and colleges, and nonprofit organizations throughout Washington to focus on their missions.

Where can I find WA state contract management manual?

You may also access this manual in a Microsoft word document in order to copy, paste, and customize. WA-State Contract Management Manual 2 Chapter 6 Bidder Objections: Taking Issu

Do you have to be a contractor in Washington State?

Construction Contractors Must Be Registered Washington State requires all construction contractors to register with L&I. State law also requires construction contractors to be bonded and insured to protect the public. Once registered, contractors can bid, advertise, and perform construction work.

The statewide contracts have met state requirements for competitive bidding and other procurement laws, reducing risk and streamlining the purchasing process for agencies.