How many small businesses are in Rhode Island?

How many small businesses are in Rhode Island?

95,390 small businesses
Rhode Island has 95,390 small businesses, according to the most current federal data available. Of those 95,390 small businesses in Rhode Island, 32,098 have employees.

Who is the largest employer in Rhode Island?

State Profile: Largest Employers

# Employer Number of Employees
1 Lifespan Finance 15,000
2 United States Dept of Navy 8,000
3 Rhode Island Hospital 5,754
4 Corp Office Brown University 4,629

What is the main industry in Rhode Island?

Today, major Rhode Island industries include biomedicine, cyber and data analytics, defense shipbuilding and maritime products, advanced business services and manufacturing. The state’s transportation and tourism industries also are growing, with billions of dollars poured into the state annually.

How many billionaires are in Rhode Island?


Rank by Number of Billionaires (9/15/20) State or Federal District Billionaires/ State’s 10M pop. (7/19 Census) (9/15/20)
31 Kansas 6.87
31 Oregon 4.74
45 New Hampshire 0.00
36 Rhode Island 9.44

Who are the largest companies in Rhode Island?

Citizens Financial Group, Inc. is one of the nation’s oldest and largest financial institutions. Headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island, Citizens offers a broad range of retail and commercial banking products and services to individuals, small businesses, middle-market companies, large corporations and institutions.

Is there a small business coalition in Rhode Island?

Creating a big voice for Rhode Island small businesses. The RI Small Business Coalition has been advocating and supporting small businesses since March 2020. Comprised of over 1,500 members who joined the coalition, we ensure our collective voice is heard and create the change we need.

Can a sole proprietor buy workers comp in Rhode Island?

Unlike in many other states, sole proprietors and partners can’t voluntarily buy workers’ comp insurance for themselves even though state law exempts them. The State of Rhode Island requires workers’ comp insurance coverage for corporate officers and members of limited liability companies (LLCs).

Who is an independent contractor in Rhode Island?

An independent contractor is someone who maintains an independent business and is available for work. Independent contractors must file a Notice of Designation as Independent Contractor (DWC-11-IC) form with the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training (DLT).

Citizens Financial Group, Inc. is one of the nation’s oldest and largest financial institutions. Headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island, Citizens offers a broad range of retail and commercial banking products and services to individuals, small businesses, middle-market companies, large corporations and institutions.

Creating a big voice for Rhode Island small businesses. The RI Small Business Coalition has been advocating and supporting small businesses since March 2020. Comprised of over 1,500 members who joined the coalition, we ensure our collective voice is heard and create the change we need.

Who are the family businesses in Rhode Island?

Adler’s is, at its heart, a family business that treats customers like family and that provides solutions to problems with a smile and a glint in their eyes. As for each other, Harry says their family/work relationship has weathered the test of time just as well as the shop has.

Who are some famous people from Rhode Island?

Rhode Island hosted the first National Lawn Tennis Championship in 1899, and is home to the Tennis Hall of Fame. Famous Rhode Islanders include novelists Cormac MacCarthy and Jhumpa Lahiri, actor James Woods, television personality Meredith Vieira and Civil War U.S. Army officer Ambrose Burnside.