How do you tell your doctor you are leaving his practice?

How do you tell your doctor you are leaving his practice?

Here’s how to switch doctors without drama.

  1. Don’t worry about explaining why you’re leaving.
  2. Request your medical records pronto.
  3. Research new candidates thoroughly.
  4. Make sure your new doctor can take you on.

Why do doctors leave a practice?

Every year, thousands of physicians retire, sell or move their practices, or they quit their jobs for more lucrative opportunities. In doing so, they usually focus on the new position that seems more exciting or satisfying.

What happens when a doctor leaves a practice?

A physician who leaves or closes a practice must notify a host of persons of the change in status. Notice to Patients. A physician must give notice to patients of his or her leaving or closing a practice, otherwise face a possible claim of patient abandonment.

What happens when you leave a medical practice in California?

A physician terminating a physician-patient relationship must give notice to the patients; otherwise, there is patient abandonment. The California Medical Board (“CMB”), in Closing Your Medical Practice, provides guidance to physicians regarding the “closure of or departure from a medical practice office.”

How to ensure continuity of care if a physician leaves your practice?

How to Ensure Continuity of Care If a Physician Leaves Your Practice 1 When physicians retire or move on. In some circumstances, departing physicians have no option… 2 Avoid patient abandonment. Before the departing physician terminates any physician-patient… 3 You can divide patients into three categories.

How to notify patients of a physician leaving?

In order to notify patients who will not be receiving a letter: Place a notice in the local newspaper with the largest circulation. Put a sign up in the lobby. Prepare a patient handout. Provide a script for receptionists of what they will say to patients and how to contact the departing physician.

What happens if a physician leaves the practice?

Failure to provide sufficient notice may leave the departing physician and/or the practice vulnerable to charges of patient abandonment, which is when a physician fails to provide for necessary medical care to a current patient without adequate justification.

How to Ensure Continuity of Care If a Physician Leaves Your Practice 1 When physicians retire or move on. In some circumstances, departing physicians have no option… 2 Avoid patient abandonment. Before the departing physician terminates any physician-patient… 3 You can divide patients into three categories.

When does a physician abandon an individual patient?

Once a physician has established a physician-patient relationship, the physician must not “abandon” the patient. Abandonment is a problem when a physician terminates a relationship with an individual patient, but can also be a problem when a physician closes a practice, thereby terminating all relationships with all patients.

What kind of mistakes do doctors make when closing a practice?

Many physicians make serious mistakes when closing practices or leaving jobs, mistakes that can affect them for years to come. Once a physician has established a physician-patient relationship, the physician must not “abandon” the patient.