How do you cite an entire website?

How do you cite an entire website?

If you are citing an entire website, provide the address of the site within the text of your paper. According to the APA, there is no need to include the site in your reference list. Example: The APA Style website is a good source of information on using APA style properly (

How do you write a cited source?

To create a proper MLA works cited list when there are multiple sources by the same author, place the references in alphabetical order by the title. Only include the author’s name in the first reference. In place of the author’s name, place three dashes, followed by a comma. (Follows rules from Section 2.7.

What is the meaning of source?

noun. any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin: Which foods are sources of calcium? the beginning or place of origin of a stream or river. a book, statement, person, etc., supplying information. the person or business making interest or dividend payments.

What is an example of source?

The definition of source is where someone or something came from. An example of a source is solar energy coming from the sun. An example of a source is the person who inspires you. One, such as a person or document, that supplies information.

What are the two types of sources?

Three Types of ResourcesPrimary sources are original materials on which other research is based, including: Secondary sources are those that describe or analyze primary sources, including: Tertiary sources are those used to organize and locate secondary and primary sources.