How can I report an accident at work?

How can I report an accident at work?

Who you report your accident to depends on: your ‘employment status’ – this means whether you’re an employee, a worker or self-employed You can check your employment status on GOV.UK. You can ask someone else to report your accident for you, if you can’t do it yourself.

When to report an accident to the health and Safety Executive?

If you’re self employed, you have to report your accident to the Health and Safety Executive if it happened while you were working on your own premises. If you’re an employee or a worker you should tell the person you usually report to when you’re there.

Can a company record an accident at work?

If the company or organisation you reported your accident to has more than 10 employees, they must record it in an accident book. It’s a good idea to make sure it’s been done – you can ask your manager to check. Smaller organisations might still have an accident book, so it’s worth asking if your accident can be recorded.

Who is the best person to tell about a work accident?

The best person to tell is probably your manager – check your staff handbook or intranet if you’re not sure. If you’re self employed, you have to report your accident to the Health and Safety Executive if it happened while you were working on your own premises.

Are there any employees that are injured outside of work?

I have an employee that was injured outside of work. She has already taken off 4 going on 5 weeks. Her medical doctor I have an employee that was injured outside of work.

What happens if you report an accident at work?

If the company or organisation you reported your accident to has more than 10 employees, they must record it in an accident book. It’s a good idea to make sure it’s been done – you can ask your manager to check.

Why are employers not responsible for work related injuries?

There’s an unspoken fear of workers’ compensation (by both the employers and their employees) that stems from insurance premiums being tied to the rate of injuries and illnesses in the workplace, and that fear is often the cause of the failure to report injuries. Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace.

Are there more off the job injuries than on the job?

According to NSC Injury Facts, there were over three times (3.5 to 1) as many off-the-job injuries that required medical attention as on-the-job injuries in 2015. That means employees were still missing time from work due to injuries which inevitably has an impact on the company’s bottom line.