How can I help my loved one who has had a stroke?

How can I help my loved one who has had a stroke?

And there are many ways you can help your loved one regain the skills he lost. About 1 in 3 people who’ve had a stroke have some trouble with language — like talking, understanding speech, reading, or writing. The specific effects depend on where the stroke happened in the brain. There are two basic types of issues.

Is there such thing as a second stroke?

Even the concept of a second stroke is interpreted ambiguously, since in some studies, cases of acute vascular disorders in another arterial system or in areas of the brain whose blood supply is carried out by different blood vessels are listed. In other studies, they are excluded, so the data of different authors are sometimes incommensurable.

How many people have trouble talking after a stroke?

About 1 in 3 people who’ve had a stroke have some trouble with language — like talking, understanding speech, reading, or writing. The specific effects depend on where the stroke happened in the brain. There are two basic types of issues.

What’s the difference between a stroke and ischemic stroke?

A stroke is a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. There are two main types of stroke: ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. Both result in parts of the brain not functioning properly.

What do you call a disability for a stroke?

Strokes were previously called cerebral vascular accidents, which meant there was damage to brain cells due to a problem with a blood vessel in the head or neck. Social Security calls the disability listing under which stroke is evaluated the listing for “Vascular Insult to the Brain.”

What happens to your loved one after a stroke?

Post-stroke depression is common, with as many as 30-50 percent of stroke survivors depressed in the early or later phases of post-stroke. Post-stroke depression can significantly affect your loved one’s recovery and rehabilitation.

When to apply for Social Security disability after a stroke?

(If you’ve suffered TIAs but not full blown strokes, instead see our article on transient ischemic attacks .) An important fact to consider in a disability claim for stroke is this: if you apply for Social Security disability or SSI soon after having a stroke, you won’t get an immediate answer on your claim.

Can a loved one have communication problems after a stroke?

If you’re caring for a loved one in recovery, communication problems can feel like a wall between you. Even if they can think clearly, you may struggle to connect with them. Communication problems after a stroke tend to get better with time and treatment. And there are many ways you can help your loved one regain the skills they lost.