Do doctors have to accept patients?

Do doctors have to accept patients?

A doctor can decide whether he or she will provide services to any particular person. However, there are both legal and ethical constraints on a doctor’s discretion. A doctor is not free to refuse a patient merely because a patient is a member of certain groups.

When do employers have to ask about your medical condition?

When Your Employer May Ask about Your Medical Condition According to the EEOC, under most circumstances, employers “cannot ask you whether you are HIV-positive or whether you have any other medical condition before making a job offer.” After an offer has been made, an employer is allowed to ask medical questions:

Do you have to tell your boss about your medical condition?

You may also be asked to submit a letter from your doctor documenting that you have a medical condition and that you need an accommodation.” However, in most cases, your doctor needn’t go into great detail about your health status, describing the onset of your condition, its treatment, and the myriad side effects.

What are my rights to sick pay at work?

In most cases, your contract of employment will spell out what your rights are to company sick pay, and over what period. There is no absolute entitlement to company sick pay, as this will be in your employer’s discretion. You may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (“SSP”), regardless of what is in your contract of employment.

When do you ask to take medical leave?

When you ask to take medical leave, such as FMLA leave. Disclosure of your medical condition is necessary for your employer to establish your eligibility for such leave. Our law offices would add one more circumstance to the EEOC’s list of when it’s permissible for your employer to inquire about your medical condition:

Can a physician be an employee or a contractor?

The employment contract or independent contractor agreement must clearly delineate the expenses that the practice will pay for the physician. A practice usually will pay more expenses for an employee than for a contractor.

What are the terms of a physician employment contract?

For more discussion, see IRS Revenue Ruling 66-274. The essential terms are about the same as between a physician employment contract and a physician independent contractor agreement.

What’s the difference between an employee and an employed physician?

There are many differences between employed physicians and independent contractors. But what defines your role is who you will be working for. Employees work directly for the company that hires them. When you receive a paycheck, federal and state taxes are withheld for the government.

Can a physician be owed money by an employer?

“If there’s a draw against productivity or any other formula other than straight salary, the physician may find himself or herself in a position that the employer takes a position that they are owed money because of a lack of productivity,” Levenstein said. There’s also the matter of future employment.