Can my employer tell me to cover my tattoos?

Can my employer tell me to cover my tattoos?

Generally, there is no law preventing employers from banning tattoos in the workplace. However, you can actually be accused of racially discriminating against your employee under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) if you require employees to cover up tattoos that are an expression of their: Race.

Is it fair for employers to reject applicants who have tattoos is it fair to require employees if hired to conceal their tattoos?

Whilst workers have no standalone protection under discrimination legislation for tattoos you may still be open to a claim for unfair dismissal. You must not dismiss an employee due to their tattoos in a discriminatory manner and you must apply any policy in a consistent way.

Can an employer refuse to hire you because of tattoos?

There are no current laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against people with visible tattoos.

Can I be fired for having tattoos?

Most employment advisors recommend that any job-seeker reserve their tattoos for easily covered areas of skin. Having a tattoo does not put you in a protected class, and an at-will employee can be fired if the employer objects to their ink.

Can you get fired for tattoos?

Are tattoos considered unprofessional?

In the United States, tattoos are often seen as rebellious, irresponsible and unprofessional. Employers may not hire someone just because of their tattoos, or make them cover them with long-sleeve shirts or bandages.

Is it OK to show tattoos at work?

While more workplaces are accepting of tattoos, employers still have the right to establish personal appearance policies. No law prohibits an employer from having such a policy as long as the policy does not discriminate against an employee and allows for religious accommodations.

Is it legal for an employee to cover a tattoo?

Check with human resources and/or legal counsel before talking with an employee about covering a tattoo unless it is clear that the tattoo has no religious significance and having the employee cover the tattoo is consistent with your policy.

When did police have to cover up tattoos?

Two rulings shed light on how an arbitrator or the courts will deal with this issue. In 2010 the Ontario Provincial Police implemented a policy that ordered officers to cover up visible tattoos after a high-ranking officer saw a constable on patrol with tattoo-covered arms and thought he was a criminal.

Can a employer dictate the length of a tattoo?

While courts are willing to allow employers to dictate dress codes so long as they are within reason and do not discriminate or sexualize employees, they are more reluctant to allow employers to regulate matters of appearance that are more permanent, such as tattoos, piercings, hair length, or facial hair.

Can you get a tattoo on your face at a bank?

The odds are that while the bank may not appreciate a facial tattoo, it’s probably not worth the chance of losing a good employee or not being able to retain a new one by having a policy that would prohibit the tattoo altogether.

Do you have to cover your tattoos at work?

But any employer’s policy could require that employees cover themselves from shoulders to knees. While more workplaces are accepting of tattoos, employers still have the right to establish personal appearance policies. And these policies might require employees to cover up tattoos.

Can a manager allow an employee to have a tattoo?

But done properly, the manager may find out that the employee is able to cover the tattoo. If not, this employee may be permitted an exception under the policy as a reasonable accommodation. And doing so as an accommodation will not result in having to allow all employees an exception under the “no visible tattoo” policy.

Is it legal to have tattoos and piercings at work?

Some employers have specific policies about employee tattoos and piercings. For instance, an employer may require its employees to cover all visible tattoos and piercings when working directly with customers or clients. The requirement is legal so long as it is not discriminatory.

Do you cover up tattoos or body piercings?

It is advisable therefore to use phrases such as ‘employees may be asked to cover up visible tattoos or to remove or cover up visible body piercings’. This leaves open the ability for consideration on a case-by-case basis and affords the employer room to manoeuvre depending on the circumstances.