Can a herniated disc cause pain all over body?

Can a herniated disc cause pain all over body?

Symptoms. The symptoms of a true herniated disc may not include back pain at all! The symptoms of a herniated disc come from pressure on, and irritation of, the nerves. However, many people do have back pain because they have other problems in their back when the disc ruptures.

How do you tell if you have a herniated disc in upper back?

How a Herniated Disc in Your Upper Back Causes Pain, Numbness, and Weakness

  1. Burning and/or electric-like pain that localizes to the back or radiates circumferentially around the chest or abdomen.
  2. Similar shock-like pain can radiate into the legs.

Which part of the body does it affect when a disc is ruptured?

Disc ruptures in the low back typically affect the sciatic nerve roots that exit the spine on either side of the discs. The sciatic nerves pass through the buttock, down the leg, and into the foot. That’s why you feel pain, tingling, and numbness in those locations.

Are there discs in your upper back?

A herniated disc in the upper back can occur when the inner gelatinous material of an intervertebral disc leaks out of the inside of the disc. A thoracic herniated disc can cause upper back pain and other symptoms, such as radiating pain or numbness.

Can you feel a herniated disc in your back?

If you have a herniated lumbar disc, you may feel pain that radiates from your low back area, down one or both legs, and sometimes into your feet (called sciatica). You may feel a pain like an electric shock that is severe whether you stand, walk, or sit.

Can a herniated disc cause upper back pain?

Upper back pain symptoms and treatment plans can vary greatly depending on the problem’s underlying cause. See Types of Back Pain: Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, and Neuropathic Pain. Save. A thoracic herniated disc often causes upper back pain that may be exacerbated when coughing or sneezing.

Are there any disc problems in the lower back?

This is the most common problem in the lower back. Mostly L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs are affected in the condition. Lower back stiffness with mild radiation of the pain on sides is the main symptom of this condition. This is a condition where water content of the disc starts reducing.

What happens when a disc ruptures in the upper back?

When a disc ruptures in your mid-to-upper back, its symptoms may not be as obvious. Any pain, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness you experience may extend from your upper back into your shoulders and arms, or it may radiate from your mid-back down into your lower back, buttocks, and legs.

How are other body parts affected by a herniated disc?

While any spinal disc can herniate, or rupture, the problem occurs most often in the lumbar spine, or lower back. When a disc becomes herniated, it can leak fluid that irritates nearby nerves and leads to chronic pain.

Upper back pain symptoms and treatment plans can vary greatly depending on the problem’s underlying cause. See Types of Back Pain: Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, and Neuropathic Pain. Save. A thoracic herniated disc often causes upper back pain that may be exacerbated when coughing or sneezing.

What kind of back pain does lumbar disk disease cause?

Key points about lumbar disk disease Lumbar disk disease may occur when a disc in the low back area of the spine bulges or herniates from between the bony area of the spine. Lumbar disk disease causes lower back pain and leg pain and weakness that is made worse by movement and activity.

How to tell if you have a disc problem in your back?

Back scans are often unhelpful for determining whether a person’s back pain is coming from a disc issue, as discs change with aging and use. However, symptoms may include: pain, numbness or pins-and-needles radiating into an arm or leg if a disc has caused irritation of a nearby nerve.

When a disc ruptures in your mid-to-upper back, its symptoms may not be as obvious. Any pain, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness you experience may extend from your upper back into your shoulders and arms, or it may radiate from your mid-back down into your lower back, buttocks, and legs.