Are there clinical laboratories in New York State?

Are there clinical laboratories in New York State?

All clinical and forensic laboratories and blood banks located in or accepting specimens from New York State must hold a New York State Department of Health clinical laboratory permit. Research testing is considered clinical if a patient-identified result is generated.

How to get a New York State clinical laboratory permit?

However, tests for these purposes that are referred must be sent to a laboratory holding a New York State clinical laboratory permit in the required permit category.

Who are doctor’s clinical laboratories Services, Inc?

DOCTOR’S LABORATORY SERVICES INC. was created by a group of experienced people in the clinical laboratory field in order to serve Miami’s Health, our management and technical staff strives to offer the fastest, most reliable and professional service. Doctor’s Laboratory Svcs.

Who is the director of a clinical laboratory?

Laboratory Director. The director of a clinical laboratory is usually a board-certified medical doctor, PhD scientist, or in some cases, a medical laboratory scientist.

All clinical and forensic laboratories and blood banks located in or accepting specimens from New York State must hold a New York State Department of Health clinical laboratory permit. Research testing is considered clinical if a patient-identified result is generated.

How to get a New York clinical laboratory permit?

Please note, many laboratories possess approval to perform only certain tests in a category. Please verify with the laboratory that they hold approval for the testing desired and request a copy of the New York clinical laboratory permit as the limitations are printed on the certificate.

Laboratory Director. The director of a clinical laboratory is usually a board-certified medical doctor, PhD scientist, or in some cases, a medical laboratory scientist.

What is the practice of Clinical Laboratory Technology?

Practice of Clinical Laboratory Technology Professionals Federal Initiatives Related to Nurses and Clinical Laboratory Practice New York State licensed RNs may perform laboratory tests and other laboratory services for their patients pursuant to a valid patient specific order from an authorized prescriber.