Review (from the Latin “recensio” – deliberation) is review, analysis and evaluation of a new artistic, scientific or popular science works, critics of the genre, literary, newspaper and magazine publisher.
The report describes the small volume and brevity.
Evaluator mainly engaged in new products, which virtually no one had written about it, had not formed a particular opinion.
In classical evaluator finds mainly the possibility of actual, the most up-to-date reading. Any work should be considered in the context of modern life and modern literary procedures: evaluate it is a new phenomenon. This reality is an essential feature of the review.
Signatures, evaluations, we understand such creative work:
- Small literary or journalistic articles (often polemical) in which the questionable work is an opportunity to discuss current social issues or literature;
- Work inspired by reading the product as its interpretation of lyrical meditation author criticism;
- Develops abstract, the content of the work shows, in particular the composition and at the same time provides its assessment.
Approximate plan review of literary work.
- Bibliographical description of the work (author, title, publisher, year) and a short (one or two sentences) recounting its content.
- The immediate reaction to product literature (review impression).
- A critical analysis or a comprehensive analysis of the text:
- the meaning of the name
- analysis of their form and content
- special composition
- writer in the image of heroes
- individual style of the writer.
- Reasoned assessment of the work and personal reflections of the author reviews:
- the basic idea of the review;
- relevant product themes.
The review is not necessarily the presence of all the elements, as long as the review was an interesting and competent one.
The principles of the book review
The impetus for the creation of a review is always a need to read their attitude expressed, it is an attempt to understand their experiences caused by the product, but based on basic knowledge in the theory of literature, a detailed Analysis of the work.
The reader must read about a book or say a movie rating “like – not like” without proof. A consultant in the vote should carefully justify the deep and well-founded analysis.
The quality of the analysis depends on the theoretical and training reviewer, his deep understanding of the subject, the ability to analyze objectively.
The relationship between the critic and the author – a creative dialogue with the same position of the parties.
Copyright “I” reveals open, too rational, logical, and emotional impact on the reader. Therefore, the reviewer uses language tools that combine the functions of naming and rating, books and spoken words and constructions.
Criticism does not study literature, and its judges – to form a reader, the public attitude to some authors; actively influence the course of the literary process.
About what you need to remember when you write a review
Detailed recounting reduces the value of criticism: On the one hand, reading is interested in the work itself; secondly, one of the criteria of weak evaluations rightly considered for a change from the analysis and interpretation of the text of his recount.
Each book begins with a name that unravels in the process of reading as something interpreted. The name of a good product has always had many meanings, is a kind of symbol, metaphor.
Much to understand and interpret the text can be the analysis of the composition. Thinking about what composition techniques (the opposite of the annular structure, etc.) used in the product will help the referee to get into the author’s intention. In which parts of the text can be divided? How will they?
It is important to evaluate the style, the originality of the writer, the images, and the artistic techniques he used in his work, and think of what it is, individual, unique way, as the author differs from the others. Evaluator discusses the “how to make” text.
The school should write a review as if no one is familiar with the peer review product. It should be understood that all questions could ask a person, and try to encourage them to prepare their answers in the text.