Why is my Boss Never Satisfied with my work?

Why is my Boss Never Satisfied with my work?

Its a occupational habit for a boss to never be satisfied with their workers. This is so that their workers will work harder and always think that they need to achieve something. Did you find this post helpful? Supervisors/bosses by their very job and position try to get the most out of their employees to the benefit of the organization.

What to do when you’re not satisfied with your job?

Nothing else controls the situation. No one else is responsible. Hold yourself accountable for your life and the choices you make. Stop blaming external forces. That’s a victim mentality, and you’re not a victim here.

Why is my boss so demanding at work?

Supervisors/bosses by their very job and position try to get the most out of their employees to the benefit of the organization. Many supervisors can appear, or be, demanding. In their search for excellence/results they will push their subordinates.

What makes a boss not give you a compliment?

This is a boss who continually erodes your self-confidence because nothing is ever good enough, he/she never gives you a compliment and is in fact overly critical (or even worse takes credit for your accomplishments), or who blatantly appoints favorites (and you’re not one of them).

What happens when you have two jobs at the same time?

If you’re not keeping a close eye on your work schedule (as well as your social calendar), unexpected events can easily pop up and ruin your productivity. Just when you think you have a free night to work on your freelance projects, your other boss calls you to remind you about the charity gala you’re required to attend that same night.

This is a boss who continually erodes your self-confidence because nothing is ever good enough, he/she never gives you a compliment and is in fact overly critical (or even worse takes credit for your accomplishments), or who blatantly appoints favorites (and you’re not one of them).

How to balance working two jobs at once?

Think about these factors as well: 1 Travel Time between Jobs An important consideration if both jobs have a fixed schedule. 2 Different Dress Codes Do you need to bring a change of clothes or a uniform for your second work? 3 Stress Level and Physical Energy for Each Job

What happens if you tell your boss you’re not happy at work?

Your boss will appreciate the commitment, and after chatting with you for a while, he or she will have some insight on what motivates you—or doesn’t—and will be better equipped to help guide you back to a happy place. None of us love our jobs all the time, but if you aren’t into it most of the time, that usually spells trouble.