Why is a love contract a bad idea?

Why is a love contract a bad idea?

In addition, she says: “A love contract can further reinforce the employer’s discrimination, harassment and conflict of interest policies and may require that the employees submit any workplace disputes to arbitration.”

Why do I have problems with my contractor?

The majority of issues between contractors and homeowners boil down to miscommunication and a lack of updates. All too often contractors get wrapped up in the project details and fail to give proper notification of daily progress and setbacks to the homeowners.

What to do if you have a bad construction contract?

(Good luck!) Mediators and arbitrators look to the contract for guidance. If you have a badly written one, you may be out of luck in mediation. Hire a construction attorney who knows the ins and outs of state statutes and can find weaknesses in the contract. Unlike Better Business Bureau hearings, the contractor can’t opt out of a lawsuit.

What should be included in a love contract?

Since the goal of a love contract is to make sure both the employer and employees involved in the workplace relationship understand the relevant company policies, a love contract generally includes terms like: Confirmation that the relationship is voluntary and consensual.

Can a contractor be unreliable because of financial problems?

Working with contractors can be difficult as it is. But your project can suffer even more when your contractor is unreliable because of financial problems. Unfortunately, your GC will rarely volunteer its financial difficulties until it’s too late and the entire project has suffered. Staying alert for the early signs of trouble is a must.

The majority of issues between contractors and homeowners boil down to miscommunication and a lack of updates. All too often contractors get wrapped up in the project details and fail to give proper notification of daily progress and setbacks to the homeowners.

How to spot signs that your contractor is having financial problems?

Staying alert for the early signs of trouble is a must. How can you spot the signals that your contractor is having financial problems? Here are some indicators: Are supplies not being delivered?

What should I do if I have a dispute with my contractor?

When you become involved in a dispute with a contractor, the goal is often to try to resolve the problem quickly so construction can resume, either with that contractor or with a replacement contractor if the problems make a continued relationship with the current contractor impossible.