Who was the supervisor who asked Bob to go out with her?

Who was the supervisor who asked Bob to go out with her?

Cathy, a supervisor, asks Bob, one of her employees, to go out with her on several occasions. Each time, Bob refused. When training opportunities became available, Bob requested training. Although other employees were allowed to take training, Cathy refused to approve Bob’s request.

When does a supervisor go to the customer?

In the third part, the supervisor And employee go to the customer. What’s important here is that the supervisor takes control over the interaction Immediately: she introduces herself, rather than the Employee doing the introductions.

When do you want to speak to your supervisor?

What’s important here is that the supervisor takes control over the interaction Immediately: she introduces herself, rather than the Employee doing the introductions. You can see that, as part of the introduction, the supervisor says, “I understand You wanted to speak to me about some service.<br />Issues.”

What should the supervisor do if an employee has a medical condition?

14. While deployed to a disaster operations center, an employee informs a supervisor that they have a medical condition, and require some sort of adjustment to their normal work routine. What should the supervisor do?

What do you call someone who supervises an employee?

1 Advocate. The supervisor is often responsible to represent the employee’s requests and to management, along with also representing the employee’s case for deserving a reward. 2 Boss. There are many different names for leaders in organizations and how they are viewed. 3 Coach. 4 Facilitator. 5 Mentor. 6 Trainer.

Which is an example of the role of supervision?

The role of supervision is essentially a management role. For example, you are planning your department’s goals, how to reach those goals, the resources that you will need, and who will doing what and by when to achieve those goals. You will be organizing resources, including jobs, people, funding and facilities.

Which is the best description of a supervisor?

There are many different names for leaders in organizations and how they are viewed. However, the most conventional term and the most widely understood is that of boss. The supervisor is deemed to be the boss when people in the department are ultimately looking for direction and guidance in their jobs.

What is the difference between management and supervision?

Traditionally, management is interpreted as be an integration of planning, organizing, leading and coordinating resources. The role of supervision is essentially a management role.