Who can manage a special needs trust?

Who can manage a special needs trust?

A trustee can be the child’s parent or other relative, a trusted friend, or a professional such as a lawyer, accountant, trust company, bank or private professional fiduciary. Here are five considerations to help in the choice of who should serve.

Can a special needs trust be amended?

Special Needs Trusts are typically irrevocable, which means that they cannot be revoked and can only be amended in very limited circumstances, if at all. These trusts are usually in place for the lifetime of the Beneficiary, and over such a long time, various circumstances invariably change.

What makes an irrevocable trust legitimate in Florida?

The idea is that, even if a trustee holds legal title, the equitable title retained by the grantor as a beneficiary has legitimate value.

Why do you need a trust in Florida?

If appreciating or income-earning assets are involved, a trust could reduce income and capital gains taxes as well.

Can a special needs trust be used for elder law?

Furthermore, an unlimited amount of assets may be placed in a special-needs trust. Some elder-law clients come in already having a special needs trust and it is important that the elder law attorney review them to make sure that their terms do not conflict (as they sometimes do) with what is required for medicaid planning purposes.

Can a personal injury trust be a special needs trust?

The personal-injury client, already on Medicaid, should be advised to create a first party (or self-funded) special needs trust to hold the personal injury settlement to protect their Medicaid eligibility. First party special needs trusts are discussed in more detail below.

Are there Special Needs Trusts in the state of Florida?

Thus, Florida is tasked with adopting its own version of the federal law concerning Florida special needs trusts. Changes in the law governing Florida special needs trusts have added to the available options for a disabled person who seeks to protect assets while preserving “need based” disability benefits.

Can a lawyer maintain a trust account in Florida?

1 (a)(1), Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, states that “[a] lawyer may maintain funds belonging to the lawyer in the trust account in an amount no more than is reasonably sufficient to pay bank charges relating to the trust account.”

Who is required to draft a living trust in Florida?

In the state of Florida, it is necessary for a living trust to be drafted by an experienced Florida estate planning attorney. In fact, the Florida Supreme Court holds that the preparation of a living trust by anyone other than a licensed attorney constitutes the unauthorized practice of law!

Can a disabled person set up a special needs trust?

The federal congress originally decided that an individual who is under the age of 65 and is defined as “disabled” under the Social Security Act, could NOT set up a special needs trust on his or her own behalf. So the practice has since been to have the Florida special needs trust blessed (established) by the court.