Where can I apply for a restraining order without a lawyer?

Where can I apply for a restraining order without a lawyer?

If you decide to apply for a restraining order without a lawyer, you’ll need to go to the District Court and get the necessary forms and documents. Your local Community Law Centre or the District Court staff can give you more information and may be able to help support you to make apply yourself.

Can a restraining order go on my record?

Does a Restraining Order Go on My Record? Usually yes, but sometimes no. Temporary restraining orders will appear so law enforcement officers can see it. However, after a temporary restraining order is issued, a permanent restraining order hearing follows.

What happens at a hearing for a restraining order?

At that court hearing, it will be decided whether the restraining order will continue or not. You and the protected person will both make your case before a judge. You can and should bring a lawyer to the hearing. If the person who filed the order doesn’t show up to court, the order often gets dismissed.

How does a restraining order affect your life?

You and the protected person will both make your case before a judge. You can and should bring a lawyer to the hearing. If the person who filed the order doesn’t show up to court, the order often gets dismissed. Can I Talk to the Person Who Filed the Order?

What kind of lawyer do I need for a restraining order?

The state bar doesn’t even offer a certification for “Restraining Order Specialist”, as they do for some other specific fields of law. Most “restraining order lawyers” are actually experts in some other, related field. That could be family law, criminal defense, or general civil litigation.

What kind of lawyer do you need to fight a restraining order?

Depending on the nature of your restraining order, you may need a different kind of attorney: Criminal. For any restraining order which relates to a criminal investigation or charge, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney.

Do I need a lawyer to file a restraining order?

There is no fee to file for a restraining order or to have it served. You do not need a lawyer to file for an order but it is generally better to have one if you can, especially if the abuser has an attorney.

Do you need a lawyer at a restraining order hearing?

You also have the right to be represented by an attorney, although in restraining order proceedings, you are not entitled to free counsel or a court-appointed attorney. You should never ignore a restraining order request. Instead, you should get information about your rights and options, consult with a lawyer, and participate in the court process.