When was the last time EEOC issued guidance on retaliation?

When was the last time EEOC issued guidance on retaliation?

Nearly 43 percent of all private-sector charges filed in 2014 included retaliation claims—roughly twice as many as in 1998, which was the last time the EEOC issued guidance on retaliation. Employee engagement in protected activity—either participation in EEO activity or the individual’s opposition to discrimination.

Are there any lawsuits going on with the EEOC?

The EEOC currently has a number of on-going lawsuits and settlements of lawsuits. We are looking for people who may have been affected by the unlawful discrimination alleged in these suits.

Why did Broussard file a complaint with the EEOC?

He further alleges that defendant’s requirements that he should agree to be treated as female, including dress and conduct, violates Title VII’s prohibition on employment discrimination because of sex. Broussard first filed charges with the EEOC. The Commission investigated the discrimination charged and issued a notice of right to sue.

Can a company discipline an employee for an EEO allegation?

The EEOC acknowledged that employers can still discipline employees who have raised an EEO allegation—the participation clause does not “immunize” workers from performance management. Suppose an employee believes she has not been promoted to a managerial position because of sex discrimination, the agency hypothesized.

Why did the EEOC file an EEOC complaint?

The EEOC also contended that while the charging party was on medical leave, the defendant changed her job description, requiring that she be certified to carry live ammunition and explosives. According to the EEOC, the company failed to accommodate the assistant and terminated her.

What was the outcome of the EEOC case?

Weeks after the EEOC filed suit, the defendant agreed to a 10-year consent decree to resolve this case.

When did the EEOC start filing pregnancy discrimination lawsuits?

Since the start of FY 2011, the Commission has filed 44 lawsuits involving claims of pregnancy discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. In FY 2014, we filed 14 pregnancy-related lawsuits.

Why did the EEOC file suit against Akal?

The EEOC filed suit under Title VII alleging that Akal – the largest provider of contract security services to the federal government – engaged in a nationwide pattern and practice of forcing its pregnant employees, working as contract security guards on U.S. Army bases, to take leave and discharging them because of pregnancy.