What was the question that Daniel asked me yesterday?

What was the question that Daniel asked me yesterday?

Daniel: “Will it rain tomorrow?” Yesterday Daniel asked me . Jennifer: “Where do you play football today?” Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know . Nancy: “Why didn’t Nick go to New York last summer?” Yesterday Nancy wanted to know . Barbara: “Must I do my homework this afternoon?” Yesterday Barbara asked me .

What to say if you don’t know the answer to a question?

If you don’t want to answer the entire question, find a part that you can address, says Sullivan. “You can say, ‘I appreciate that this is of interest, right now. Let’s focus on this part,’” he says. “Briefly answering part of the question may be enough to assuage and satisfy them.”

What did Peter ask me the day before?

Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes the day before. Do you need help? Mandy: “Are the boys reading the book?” Yesterday Mandy asked me .

When to use if or whether to report a question?

In yes / no questions, we use if or whether to report the question. If is more common. ‘Are you going to the Helsinki conference?’. He asked me if I was going to the Helsinki conference.

Do you answer ” yes ” or ” no ” to a question?

You should not answer either just “yes” or just “no”. If you want to be understood, you should answer “no, I didn’t” and “no, I don’t”. – Peter Shor Jan 3 ’14 at 13:18 Show activity on this post. No, I didn’t go to school. Yes, I went to school today. You are right, I didn’t. Show activity on this post. I had the same question before.

Do You Say Yes or no in English?

If you just answer yes on its own, though, the implication is, “Yes, I did go to school”. Yes and no answers in English do not imply whether or not you agree with the asker’s question, but whether or not you did the action being asked about.

When to say Did I answer or have I answered?

If you want to know if you fully answered the question, and would elaborate if you haven’t answered fully you might say “Have I answered your question?” Personally, I’d say “Does that answer your question?” because the emphasis is more on the explanation than on me.

What to say if someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer?

You can also refuse to answer the question, but be sure to be polite. “Say, ‘I appreciate that this is of interest but we don’t feel sharing the information is appropriate, especially at this time. But I’d be glad to answer other questions if you have them,’” says Sullivan. “Appreciate the interest but draw lines.”

What does ” with regards to or with regard to ” mean?

Concerning, about. For example, In regard to your letter, forget it, or As regards your subscription, I’m not sure why it was canceled, or In reference to your inquiry, we’ll have to pass it on to the board, or We have a few questions with regard to your recent offer, or With respect to your latest request, we’ll be happy to oblige.

When do you use question tags in English?

They are mainly used in speech when we want to: to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to. Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject. A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag. Jack is from Spain, isn’t he? Mary can speak English, can’t she?

What does ” in regard to your question ” mean?

Instead of this, with chilly courtesy, he told Hope: “In regard to your last question, I’m afraid I decline to answer”. Telephone Co. reads: Dear Miss Smith: We are sorry there is any question in regard to your final statement.

What to answer when interviewer asks what did you do Yesterday?

If “yesterday” was a holiday or a Sunday, the interviewer probably wants to check if you have hobbies or did something really exciting, outside of “work.” I hope it is an opening, warm-up question, until he boots his laptop to keep notes. If you want, you can mention that you prepared for the interview (reading about the company, etc.)

Concerning, about. For example, In regard to your letter, forget it, or As regards your subscription, I’m not sure why it was canceled, or In reference to your inquiry, we’ll have to pass it on to the board, or We have a few questions with regard to your recent offer, or With respect to your latest request, we’ll be happy to oblige.

How to use ” something I Did Yesterday ” in a sentence?

The former focuses a bit more on what you’re doing today, the latter on what you did yesterday. However, in context, both formulations express that the task is ongoing, and would be understood as referring to both days. I have been working on ______ since yesterday. I started ____ yesterday and will likely be able to finish it today.