What should I do if my employee lied to a client?

What should I do if my employee lied to a client?

You’d still need to have a serious conversation about how this has affected your ability to take her at her word, and how that will remain the case for a while now, and what that means for her work and the way you manage her.

Can a boss ask you to tell a white lie?

Your boss may ask you to tell a white lie, such as, “He isn’t in.” Or he may ask you to tell a bigger fib, such as assuring a client that the work is almost finished and ready to deliver when you know it isn’t. Either way, says office ethics trainer Nan DeMars, you don’t have to lie.

What happens if a client calls 30 minutes late?

By stating you are waiting for them, they will feel more of an obligation to try harder to get to you. Keep in mind though, if they say they’ll be 30 minutes late, and you promise over the phone or text that you can go over time, what will happen if another client calls at the last minute to get in to see you?

What happens if a practitioner is 30 minutes late?

Many practitioners make the mistake of not charging for the full session they have held for the client. In some instances, your client may call and tell you they’ll be 30 minutes late and tell you they want to ‘just switch the session from an hour to a 30 minutes session.

Is it bad to show up late to work?

You certainly don’t want to keep bringing it up if your manager has moved on, but if they were especially receptive or accommodating it’s worth acknowledging that. Showing up late to work happens. Everyone does it, and usually when it occurs once or twice it’s no big deal.

What to do if your boss tells you you are late to work?

It might be wise at the end of the workday to give your boss a quick thanks for being understanding of your lateness. You certainly don’t want to keep bringing it up if your manager has moved on, but if they were especially receptive or accommodating it’s worth acknowledging that. Showing up late to work happens.

What happens if you’re late to a meeting at work?

Luck is not on your side today, and you’re running late to the office. Maybe you don’t have a meeting scheduled for 8 AM sharp—or maybe you do and you’re already stressed!—but regardless, you know your boss isn’t going to be happy to see you waltzing in behind schedule.

What are some workplace laws your employer may be violating?

1 Using prohibited questions on job applications. 2 Insisting you can’t discuss your salary with your co-workers. 3 Failing to pay you overtime. 4 Promising jobs to unpaid interns. 5 Asking or allowing you to work off the clock. 6 Classifying you as an independent contractor, but treating you like an employee.