What is your current CTC?

What is your current CTC?

CTC stands for Cost to Company. It refers to the total amount of money an employer spends on the employee annually. So, your current CTC will comprise of the salary as well as all the additional benefits you will receive directly or indirectly during the year.

Can a company not accept a resignation letter?

I would like to know that if it is possible for the employer to hold back employee by not accepting the resignation letter even if according to the appointment letter employee can resign and serve 1 month notice period. Can employer state that company will suffer financial losses and hece cannot accept resignation.

Where does an employment verification letter come from?

What is an Employment Verification Letter? An employment verification letter is written by a current or past employer to confirm that an employee or former employee worked at the organization. The request may come from the employee, government agencies, prospective landlords, mortgage lenders, prospective employers, or collection agencies.  

What was the experience letter from current employer citehr?

During her service with us, we found her very hardworking, knowledgeable, effective and sincere. She carried out all duties entrusted to her willingly, effectively and to our entire satisfaction. For XYZ INDIA PVT. LTD

What to do if current employer is not giving you / delaying relieving letter?

Things to do when the Current Employer is not giving you/delaying relieving letter : 1. Check your appointment letter, if there is a clause that either parties can compensate for not serving the notice ( this clause would definitely be there in the appointment letter).

When to say no to a new assignment?

After careful consideration, you are dismayed to realize that it would be best not to take on a new assignment from your boss. There may be several reasons for arriving at that conclusion. Maybe you are swamped with other work, or the new project requires skills you don’t have yet.

What is an Employment Verification Letter? An employment verification letter is written by a current or past employer to confirm that an employee or former employee worked at the organization. The request may come from the employee, government agencies, prospective landlords, mortgage lenders, prospective employers, or collection agencies.  

What to write in resignation letter for new job opportunity?

A Resignation Letter for a New Job Opportunity is a letter informing your employer you are resigning and informing them you have accepted a new job opportunity. You have been offered your dream job (or at better job, anyway). Now you need to let your employer know you are leaving and do your best to leave on a positive note.

How to write reference letter from current employer?

Reference Letter from Current Employer Writing Tips A very formal outlook should be maintained while writing the letter. The letter should include personal views about the employee, mostly positive ones. Exaggerating about the credentials of the employee should be avoided.