What is the FreeBritney hashtag?

What is the FreeBritney hashtag?

For years now, the hashtag “#FreeBritney” is widely used by fans of the iconic 2000s singer to denounce the tutelage that Britney Spears has suffered under for 13 years.

What does Jamie Watson do for a living?

Jamie Watson/Professions

What’s up with FreeBritney?

#FreeBritney began trending, and her own mother, Lynn Spears, was liking comments saying that Britney was being held against her will. Britney took to social media to clear up the allegations in a video where she claimed the rumours were “out of control”. She asked for time to deal with things in her own way.

How does a conservatorship of an estate work?

I recommended Renee petition the court for a Conservatorship of the Person, which allows an appointed agent to make medical decisions. A Conservatorship of the Estate grants someone power to manage the financial affairs of another. For Renee, this was secondary. How long does it take to establish a Conservatorship?

Who is an example of a conservatorship in music?

Far and away, the most famous example of a conservatorship is the one that has been placed on Britney Spears since the singer’s high-profile struggles with mental health. Since then, her father Jamie Spears (and at times others) have had control over her finances and other aspects of her life.

When did I become a conservator of Ben’s estate?

Nine years ago, I was appointed conservator of estate and person for my son Ben. I remember the court hearing well. Ben was in the middle of his first hospitalization for schizophrenia, refusing medication and wanted to be released.

How did my mother’s conservatorship go terribly wrong?

When people ask me about the circumstances surrounding the painful story of my mother’s probate conservatorship — where the man appointed by a judge to manage my mother’s finances and daily life inflicted financial and mental abuse on her — there’s one question I always encounter: How did this happen to your family?

Far and away, the most famous example of a conservatorship is the one that has been placed on Britney Spears since the singer’s high-profile struggles with mental health. Since then, her father Jamie Spears (and at times others) have had control over her finances and other aspects of her life.

What can a conservatorship do for a family?

Families often use conservatorships to help deal with the mounting medical, financial and mental health needs of a parent. The status of a conservatorship is dependent on the capacity of the individual to make decisions on their own.

What happens when a conservatorship goes terribly wrong?

One AARP article said: “Activists charge that in some cases, unscrupulous professional guardians have turned legally sanctioned exploitation into a cottage industry, abetted by greedy attorneys and pliable judges.” A more complicated answer: our family fell apart after my father died.

Is there such thing as a good conservator?

Although many conservators and guardians do excellent work, some are notorious. One AARP article said: “Activists charge that in some cases, unscrupulous professional guardians have turned legally sanctioned exploitation into a cottage industry, abetted by greedy attorneys and pliable judges.”