What is a legal request for production?
A request for production is a legal request for documents, electronically stored information, or other tangible items made in the course of litigation. The responding party is required to furnish copies of any documents that are responsive to the request, except for those that are legally privileged.
What is a request for production of documents?
Below is a sample request for production of documents in a motor vehicle crash case that later settled for $750,000. This is a general first set request for admissions that is narrowly tailored to the specific facts of the case.
Can a request for production be sent as a photocopy?
Generally, a request for production asks the responding party to make available the original documents, but a requesting party may permit photocopies of the requested documents be sent instead, if inspection of the original document is not necessary.
What are some exceptions to fulfilling a request for production?
The terminology used in the request is broad so the other party can obtain as many documents as possible. For instance, a defense attorney in a personal injury case may request all documents related to insurance to obtain every insurance document. What Are Some Exceptions to Fulfilling a Request for Production?
How to request production of documents in Maryland?
Per the Maryland Rules, the documents shall be produced as they are covered in the usual course of business or you shall organize and label them to correspond with the categories in the request. These requests shall encompass all items within your possession, custody, or control.
How does a request for production of documents work?
party’s possession or control. Generally, a request for production of documents asks the responding party to make available the original documents, but the propounding (asking) party may request that photocopies be sent instead, if inspection of the original document is not necessary. The requests you receive should include very specific
Generally, a request for production asks the responding party to make available the original documents, but a requesting party may permit photocopies of the requested documents be sent instead, if inspection of the original document is not necessary.
The terminology used in the request is broad so the other party can obtain as many documents as possible. For instance, a defense attorney in a personal injury case may request all documents related to insurance to obtain every insurance document. What Are Some Exceptions to Fulfilling a Request for Production?
How to comply with rule 34.02 production request?
In the written response to the production request that Rule 34 requires, the responding party must state the form it intends to use for producing electronically stored information if the requesting party does not specify a form or if the responding party objects to a form that the requesting party specifies.