What is a good follow up question?

What is a good follow up question?

The ones I hear most often are open-ended questions like, “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?” “What do you want to be doing in five years?” and “What motivates you?” Some savvier questioners ask behavior-based questions, like “Tell me about a time when you….”. Sounds great, right?

What’s the polite way to ask a question?

♦ or pretending to misunderstand or request clarification. What are the polite, cordial ways of requesting that my question be answered? My first try is “Since you didn’t answer my question, could you please clarify”? Yet this sounds too cutting and barbed. 2nd try: “Since you didn’t seem to answer my question.”

How to answer a follow up question politely?

Please answer the following questions in your reply: Have you ever… Do you want to… Getting any more forceful than that requires a bit more knowledge of the context that this is in. It would depend on the social relationship of the involved.

What happens when you don’t ask follow up questions?

Without follow-up questions, you and your conversation partner will end up asking and responding to a series of questions without ever talking in-depth about any particular topic—which will feel awkward. Follow-up questions keep the conversation moving forward and allow for clarification and elaboration of details.

Which is the best way to respond to an inquiry?

You should clarify the name and amount of information you are sending according to their request. Tell them how you send it as well: attached in the mail, synthesized in a link below, etc. Besides, you can give additional details if suitable. However, you need to explain how it may be of use to them. Never send extra items for nothing.

When to ask for clarification from someone else?

Sometimes we need clarification when we want to get a better handle on where others are coming from. Asking clarifying questions shows that you’re actively listening and want to understand. The best questions are open-ended. They allow the person to expand on the topic rather than giving a simple yes or no response.

Can you ask an interviewer to clarify a question?

Even if you find yourself in a room with the rudest interviewer ever, don’t feel like you can’t ask for more clarity around a question if you need it. You’ve done a lot of hard work to score this meeting—so if you feel like you’re about to ramble on because you actually aren’t sure what you’re being asked, get the additional info you need.

When to ask, ” Could you please explain?

Instead of asking, “Could you please explain…?” be sure to ask, “Could you please clarify…?” to sound more professional, more intelligent, and more fluent when speaking English. Have you ever asked someone to explain something when you should have asked them to clarify? What happened? Leave a comment and share your story.

Why do you ask follow up questions to a buyer?

Because most buyers don’t disclose everything from answering one question. Follow-up questions get you the whole story. Ideally, you drill down to learn as much as you can about the response they gave to your first question. The art of asking follow-up questions separates the rookies from sales superstars.

Why is it important to have follow up questions?

It lets the person know that you weren’t really satisfied with their initial answer and pushes them to go into more detail, which is a good way of learning more about them.

What questions should a second interviewer ask?

Potential questions for a second interview

  • Tell me again what interests you about this job and what skills and strengths you plan to bring to it.
  • Do you have anything you want to revisit from your first interview?
  • What is your greatest weakness?
  • Can you tell me a little more about your current/most recent job?

What does it mean to ask a follow up question?

This question is a follow-up question. It helps continue a conversation. It determines the direction of a conversation. Without follow-up questions, conversations can easily end or may never begin. If you ask a question, the person you are talking to should answer and share their ideas or experience.

How to follow up on a follow up email?

Tip: When following up in this scenario, be sure to let them know who referred you to them and what you can do for them. Focus on the value you can add and adding credibility such as your social media accounts or website portfolio. Be sure to finish by including a call to action for next steps.

Are there follow up questions to a job interview?

Job interviews are always a bit stressful, but this can be alleviated with better preparation. Zhang, the software developer cited earlier, provided a few examples of follow-up interview questions that she felt were most effective and insightful after years of experience interviewing at tech companies.

What’s the mistake in a polite follow up email?

Another common mistake made when writing a polite follow-up email is starting with “just following up” and sending an email that doesn’t add any value. People are busy and don’t have time to read an email that they have to decipher the meaning of or what action is required.

What do you call a follow up question?

They are like response tokens such as really, okay, yeah. Follow-up questions are sometimes called reply questions. Follow-up questions are formed using the auxiliary verb or modal verb contained in the statement that the question is responding to.

How often should I write a follow up email?

When it comes to writing and scheduling cold email follow-ups, a lot of questions arise: 1 How many follow-ups should you send? 2 How often? 3 What should you write about?

What’s the best follow up to how are You?

How is that going for [you, your team]?” To simultaneously prove you’ve done your homework and encourage your prospect to open up, tie your question to a recent company announcement. For example, you might say, “I read that Bread and Butter recently expanded to Utah.

When to ask follow up questions to an employee?

Ask the follow-up questions only if they make sense in the context of the employee’s responses. You may also pursue responses that were unexpected or are in need of elaboration by following up with additional questions that you don’t find here.