What do you need to know about trauma informed care?

What do you need to know about trauma informed care?

Trauma-informed care (TIC) involves a broad understanding of traumatic stress reactions and common responses to trauma. Providers need to understand how trauma can affect treatment presentation, engagement, and the outcome of behavioral health services.

What are some of the initial reactions to trauma?

Initial reactions to trauma can include exhaustion, confusion, sadness, anxiety, agitation, numbness, dissociation, confusion, physical arousal, and blunted affect. Most responses are normal in that they affect most survivors and are socially acceptable, psychologically effective, and self-limited.

What kind of thoughts are associated with trauma?

Intrusive thoughts and memories: Experiencing, without warning or desire, thoughts and memories associated with the trauma. These intrusive thoughts and memories can easily trigger strong emotional and behavioral reactions, as if the trauma was recurring in the present.

How does the impact of trauma affect an individual?

The impact of trauma can be subtle, insidious, or outright destructive. How an event affects an individual depends on many factors, including characteristics of the individual, the type and characteristics of the event (s), developmental processes, the meaning of the trauma, and sociocultural factors.

Which is an example of interpersonal trauma?

Interpersonal trauma is an umbrella term referring to abuse that is perpetrated from one or more persons and directly targeting another person or persons. This includes childhood abuse, and what is now referred to as childhood maltreatment, and abuse in adulthood that includes sexual abuse including rape and molestation, emotional abuse,

How to become a trauma-informed care organization?

Becoming a trauma -informed organization requires the steady support of senior leaders. Crafting a plan that empowers the workforce to be part of the transformation process can help generate buy-in throughout the organization. Leadership will need to establish strategies for rolling out the changes, particularly with regard to clearly

How to read the trauma 101 activity packet?

Facilitators should read through the entire activity packet and familiarize themselves with the materials prior to using this packet in a training session. Facilitators should have viewed the Understanding Trauma and Its Impact e-resource in preparation for using the slide presentation and this packet for in-person training.

How does trauma affect a person over time?

Trauma in and of itself is defined by its seriousness and devastation in multiple areas of a persons life. Unfortunately, trauma endured in childhood can alter a persons emotional development and produce lasting change at a neurological and biochemical level.