What are the statistics on work related injuries?

What are the statistics on work related injuries?

Key statistics 1 563,600 people had a work-related injury or illness (4.2% of people who worked at some time during the year). 2 The most common cause of injury or illness was ‘Lifting, pushing, pulling or bending’ (24.2%). 3 60% had time off as a result of the injury or illness. 4 27% received workers compensation for the injury or illness.

How many working days are lost due to injury?

581,000 working people sustaining an injury at work according to the Labour Force Survey 28.2 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury

Who is most likely to miss time from work due to injury?

The BLS’s 2019 workplace injury statistics also indicated that older workers were more likely to miss significant time from work than younger workers. Among workers ages 55 to 64, the median number of days missed due to an injury or illness was 14 days, compared to just five days for workers between the ages of 16 and 24.

When to record two cases of employee injuries sustained?

For example, if an employee is injured in a car accident in the company parking lot while arriving at work or while leaving the company’s property at the end of the day, the case would not be work-related.

What is considered a work-related injury?

A work-related injury is an injury that is caused by one’s work tasks or that results from the performance of their described job duties. Work injuries can include injuries that happen over a long period of time, or injuries that result from one incident.

What are the most common workplace injuries?

The most common workplace injuries are sprains and strains according to our work injury attorneys. The most area of harm for sprains and strains is the back and legs, with the risk greatest for people that move materials, laborers, and health care workers that transport and move patients.

What are examples of work related injuries?

Workplace injuries also include illnesses occurred as a result of the environment in which an employee works. An example is black lung disease, which is seen in coal miners, or carpal tunnel syndrome, which is seen in office workers.

What are injuries covered by workers compensation?

The most common type of injuries covered by workers’ compensation are “soft tissue” injuries. This means that the injury affects muscles, ligaments, tendons, or nerves.