Is there an age discrimination lawsuit against IBM?

Is there an age discrimination lawsuit against IBM?

In an age discrimination lawsuit against IBM brought on behalf of plaintffs Edvin Rusis, Henry Gerrits, and Phil McGonegal by Liss-Riordan’s firm, it’s suggested that this class could consist of almost 13,000 former employees who left IBM since 2017 after the age of 40. ®

What are the claims in the IBM lawsuit?

The plaintiffs are asking to be released from the waivers and for permission to pursue their claims collectively in arbitration, a request that might allow thousands of former IBM employees to join in.

Is it true that IBM laid off 100, 000 employees?

In 2015, an IBM spokesman denied a Forbes report that the company would be laying off 100,000 employees – or a quarter of its workforce — in the coming years, dismissing the claims in an interview with USA Today as “ridiculous” and “baseless.” To continue reading this article, you must be a Bloomberg News subscriber.

What was the outcome of the IBM pension case?

The company and plaintiffs agreed to cap further damages an additional $1.4 billion. The settlement is of great importance to airline and other workers facing changes to their pension plans. IBM is a global company raking in big profits, unlike the airlines that are in or tumbling toward bankruptcy.

Is there a class action lawsuit against IBM?

In September 2018, Liss-Riordan filed a class-action lawsuit against IBM alleging the tech giant consistently laid off at least 20,000 employees over the age of 40 between 2012 and the present. IBM operates one of its largest corporate campuses in RTP and employs several thousand people across North Carolina.

Who was the attorney who sued IBM for age discrimination?

By September, Boston-based labor attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of three former IBM employees who say the tech giant discriminated against them based on their age when the company fired them.

How many people have been laid off by IBM?

The suit now represents more than 150 former IBM employees, and Liss-Riodan continues to invite former employees to come forward. According to the lawsuit, IBM allegedly laid off at least 20,000 employees over the age of 40 between 2012 and the present. Twenty years ago, IBM was considered a best practice benchmark for diversity and inclusion.

Why was there a pension dispute with IBM?

“The roots of IBM’s dispute,” wrote The Wall Street Journal after the settlement, “lie in the 1990s, when hundreds of employers converted their traditional pensions to cash- balance plans (which) slashed the pensions of millions of workers in their 60s by changing the way their pensions are calculated.”