Is the employer able to record a meeting with an employee?

Is the employer able to record a meeting with an employee?

The employer could rely on the employee’s consent only if it is genuinely freely given, ie there would be no adverse consequences should the employee refuse to consent. The GDPR requires employers to inform employees when they collect personal data about them and to provide them with information about how the data will be processed.

Who are the employees of the city of Chicago?

List of all current City of Chicago employees with full names, departments, positions, annual salaries, and approximate annual salary with furlough days/salary reductions. Click Menu in the upper right-hand corner of the Data Player below to: view, print, or download this data set or access the data via API.

How does an employer notify an employee of monitoring?

However, some employers do notify employees that monitoring takes place. This information may be communicated in memos, employee handbooks, union contracts, at meetings or on a sticker attached to the computer. 3. Email and Instant Messaging

How many employers monitor their employees at work?

A majority of employers monitor their employees. The Electronic Monitoring & Surveillance Survey from American Management Association and The ePolicy Institute shows the pervasiveness of employee monitoring.

How is an employee protected in an EEOC investigation?

The law also protects employees who cooperate in EEOC investigations or serve as witnesses in EEOC investigations or litigation. A recent Supreme Court case confirms that an employee’s participation as a witness in an internal investigation is protected, too.

When does an employee have a right to retaliation?

Federal law protects employees from retaliation when employees complain — either internally or to an outside body like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) — about workplace discrimination or harassment.

What are the requirements for employers in Illinois?

Employers are required to follow the Governor’s Executive Orders. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) have also published guidelines and requirements for employers to follow in order to maintain a safe workplace during the pandemic. All employers are required to:

What makes an employee protected under the Illinois Human Rights Act?

Under the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), employees are protected from discrimination and harassment in their employment for reasons including, but not limited to, their actual or perceived disability, age, race, or national origin.