How many weeks of unemployment can you get in California?

How many weeks of unemployment can you get in California?

26 weeks
You may qualify for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. If eligible, you can receive up to 26 weeks of benefits. Visit UI Online ( to apply.

Is the California EDD cutting off benefits to strangers?

Households across the country have been receiving letters from the California EDD, but addressed to strangers. To prevent fraud, the EDD is now cutting off benefits to those households — and in one case, cut off a legitimate claim.

How many Edd claims have been processed since March?

While the EDD has processed 20.3 million claims since last March, the department says it continues to work through 1.4 million claims that were run through additional fraud criteria and suspended until identity or eligibility could be verified. Most of these claimants were sent instructions to verify their identity.

Who are the employees of the California EDD?

The employee is one of thousands hired through a third party company to help with overwhelming calls to EDD during the pandemic. But when folks call for help, the EDD computer screen doesn’t show the block on their account.

How does the EdD determine your base period?

Actively looking for work. A base period is a specific 12-month term the EDD uses to see if you earned enough wages to establish a UI claim. To learn how we determine your base period, review How Unemployment Benefits are Computed (DE 8714AB) (PDF). Your weekly benefit amount (WBA) ranges from $40 to $450.

How to apply for Edd benefits in California?

EDD program benefits are available to workers and employers whose earnings are impacted. Find job services and training available to you. File a claim for unemployment, disability, or paid family leave benefits. Manage your tax account and find important resources to succeed. It’s your money. Get it at CalEITC4Me.

Households across the country have been receiving letters from the California EDD, but addressed to strangers. To prevent fraud, the EDD is now cutting off benefits to those households — and in one case, cut off a legitimate claim.

Actively looking for work. A base period is a specific 12-month term the EDD uses to see if you earned enough wages to establish a UI claim. To learn how we determine your base period, review How Unemployment Benefits are Computed (DE 8714AB) (PDF). Your weekly benefit amount (WBA) ranges from $40 to $450.

The employee is one of thousands hired through a third party company to help with overwhelming calls to EDD during the pandemic. But when folks call for help, the EDD computer screen doesn’t show the block on their account.