How long does a Judgement stay on your record in Indiana?

How long does a Judgement stay on your record in Indiana?

In Indiana, the statute of limitations by judgment is ten years, but it can be renewed, further extending the collection period. This means once a creditor makes a charge against the debtor, the judgment is collectible for up to ten years.

Can a judgment lien be placed on a property in Indiana?

A judgment lien is created automatically on the debtor’s property if the property is located in the Indiana county where the judgment is handed down.

How long is a judgment good in Indiana?

A judgment is good for twenty years in Indiana. Of that twenty-year time span, that judgment remains a lien on the debtor’s real estate and a personal judgment against the debtor for the next ten years.

How can I collect on a judgment in Indiana?

If you have the debtor’s date of birth, social security number, and maybe even bank account information for the debtor, you can try to institute a garnishment on the debtor’s bank account to be applied towards the judgment. You will need to submit a set of questions (“interrogatories”) to the court to be signed by the judge.

Where can I find a judgment on my property?

At the very least, the judgment appears in your county’s property records, so when you sell or refinance your property, the title insurer will require that the judgment be paid in full from the proceeds. 12 How Can You Avoid a Judgment?

A judgment lien is created automatically on the debtor’s property if the property is located in the Indiana county where the judgment is handed down.

What happens when a judgement is entered against you?

The official written version of that decision is termed a court judgment. Once a judgment has been entered against you, you have only a very limited time to ask the court to reconsider the judgment, relieve you from a default judgment or take an appeal to a higher court.

How can I find out if I have any judgments against me?

Then a copy is served on the other party, and the judge, with or without a jury, issues a decision. The official written version of that decision is termed a court judgment.

Is there Statute of limitations on judgment in Indiana?

The statute of limitations inIndianafor a judgment is 10 years unless renewed by the collector. That means once a creditor has a judgment against a consumer, that judgment is collectible for up to 10 years.