How does a lawyer win a case for their clients?

How does a lawyer win a case for their clients?

Lawyers are notoriously known for changing the facts to “win” their case.   Yet, the most successful attorneys never change the facts to win.   They simply do not need to do so.   How, then, does a lawyer win a case? First, lawyers understand and believe the facts their clients relay to them.   Second, after hearing the… Read More » Close Menu

Can a jury award punitive damages to an employer?

In short, punitive damages are difficult to win. And, like pain and suffering, the amount of punitive damages is entirely up to the jury. Because of this, you should ask your lawyer about the prospect of winning punitive damages in your case. If you win your case, the court may also order your employer to pay for your attorneys’ fees.

How does a lawyer apply the case law?

If a lawyer wants to apply the case law (“I think my client should get the same result as the previously decided opinion”), the lawyer has to think of ways the opinion facts are similar to the facts of the client’s case and create a theme that exists in both sets of facts.

Is it safe to ask a lawyer for advice?

Legal proceedings come with a number of complexities and variations. Regardless of which legal situation you’ve found yourself in, it’s easy to end up at a loss for what to do next. Legal guidance is available, but there are so many branches and specializations out there that you’d be right to worry about wasting time on the wrong provider.

Lawyers are notoriously known for changing the facts to “win” their case.   Yet, the most successful attorneys never change the facts to win.   They simply do not need to do so.   How, then, does a lawyer win a case? First, lawyers understand and believe the facts their clients relay to them.   Second, after hearing the… Read More » Close Menu

Why does a law firm Won’t take Your Case?

Here are five potential reasons why they won’t take your case: 1. Money, Money, Money. You may be able to get some free legal help in some cases, but most law firms expect to be paid.

Why is it important to choose the best lawyer?

Sometimes, whether you win or lose your legal battle will depend just as much on the attorney you hire as the law and the facts of your case. That’s why choosing the right lawyer is so important. Most people will tell you to hire an attorney with a great reputation.

How can I find out what an attorneys win?

You are not likely to be able to find a chart or graph of an attorney’s wins and losses record. You may be able to put something together through public records searches, or through legal research services like Westlaw and LexisNexis. However, you probably won’t be able to easily access these sections of the services even from a public law library.

How to find out the number of cases a lawyer wins and loses?

Talk to the lawyer. The easiest way to learn how many cases a lawyer wins or loses is to talk to them. Some attorneys keep this kind of information and can tell you their history, white others may not. All lawyers will be able to tell you, in general, what their history is.

Who are some of the Best Lawyers in the world?

Also represented Time Warner, Novartis, Alcoa, Xerox, and American Express in antitrust and intellectual property cases. What’s been said: “He sits on top of one of the most successful law firms in the country, and he can talk to you almost like you’re a next-door neighbor.”

Here are five potential reasons why they won’t take your case: 1. Money, Money, Money. You may be able to get some free legal help in some cases, but most law firms expect to be paid.

Can a lawyer win a malpractice case against you?

However, these cases can be very difficult to win. To find out whether you have a case, and how to bring one, read on below. Lawsuits against lawyers usually fall under three categories: negligence, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty. Negligence. Negligence is the most common grounds for a malpractice lawsuit.