How do you add fluff to a speech?

How do you add fluff to a speech?

Fluff includes:Stating the obvious.Saying rather than showing.Redundancy/repeating yourself.Using overly complex words/sentence structures.Overusing words like very, really, rather, etc.

How do I make my essays longer?

Below are some ways that you can make your essay longer if you’re struggling to reach the required word count.Add Supporting Evidence. Ensure that You’ve Included Everything. Use Transitional Phrases. Use Quotations. Take Another Look at Your Outline. Have Someone Read Your Essay. Spell Out Numbers or Contractions.

How do I increase the number of pages?

Add Relevant Examples Adding examples is probably one of the best ways to increase the page count of your essay without adding fluff to it. Go through your essay and look for a place where you can insert an example to clarify your statement.

How do you add more words to a story?

5 Ideas to Lengthen Word Count in Too-Short NovelsBrainstorm Additional Plot Beats. List all your current plot threads, and then explore ways to expand upon them. Deepen Connections Between Characters. Add Characters. Emphasize Important Character Traits. Dramatize Summaries.

Does a 500 word essay have to be exactly 500 words?

500-word essays do not have to be exactly 500 words, but they should be as close as possible. The essay prompt may say “in under 500 words” or “in at least 500 words,” which would state whether 500 is the minimum or maximum word count.

What does 500 words look like?

Answer: 500 words is 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced.

What is the most frequently used word?

‘The’ tops the league tables of most frequently used words in English, accounting for 5% of every 100 words used.

What is the oldest word?

Mother, bark and spit are just three of 23 words that researchers believe date back 15,000 years, making them the oldest known words.

What’s the shortest word?

Actually, there are two shortest words in English, namely, A and I. Whereas the word “A” is an indefinite article, the word “I” is a personal subject pronoun. Again, whereas “A” is the first word in the English dictionary, “I” is the ninth word in the English dictionary.

Which word takes 3 hours to say?

ISOLEUCINE. Note the ellipses. All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce.

What is the hardest word to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To PronounceColonel.Penguin.Sixth.Isthmus.Anemone.Squirrel.Choir.Worcestershire.

What are the 5 longest words?

10 Longest Words in the English LanguagePneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters) Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters) Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)

What is titin full name?

isoleucine for the protein also known as titin, which is involved in striated muscle formation. In nature, DNA molecules can be much bigger than protein molecules and therefore potentially be referred to with much longer chemical names.