How do drugs affect businesses?

How do drugs affect businesses?

A number of reports and surveys highlight the detrimental effects substance abuse has on business productivity and competitiveness as it also increases workplace injuries and absenteeism.

How do drugs affect work?

Problems Caused in the Workplace In addition to deaths and accidents, absenteeism and loss of production, other problems that alcohol and drug abuse can cause on the job include: Tardiness/sleeping on the job2 Hangover or withdrawal affecting job performance. Poor decision making.

What makes a drug and alcohol testing policy justifiable?

A drug and alcohol testing policy that respects human rights and may be justifiable under the Code is one that: Is based on a rational connection between the purpose of testing (minimizing the risk of impairment to ensure safety) and job performance

When is drug testing permissible in the workplace?

Drug testing may be permissible after a workplace accident or a “near-miss”, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that someone is impaired by drugs, or where a person is returning to work after treatment for a drug addiction.

What should employers do about drug and alcohol abuse?

Employers should use the least intrusive means of assessing impairment or fitness for work. Other measures, such as employee assistance programs (EAPs), health promotion and substance awareness programs, and addiction accommodation policies can meet the goal of addressing drug and alcohol impairment in the workplace.

Is it discrimination to have drug and alcohol testing?

It may also be discrimination if the drug and alcohol testing policy treats people as if they have an addiction, resulting in negative consequences. Employers should be aware of their duties to inquire into the possibility that a disability may exist, but should not act based on stereotypes.

Can a company test an employee for drug use?

A reasonable suspicion of drug use must generally be based on actual facts and logical inferences, such as: evidence that the employee has used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred drugs while working or at work. In addition, many laws require employers to maintain workplace counseling and outreach programs before they can test employees.

Can a company discriminate on the basis of prescription medication?

Employers cannot discriminate in their hiring practices based on an applicant’s use of prescription medication for legitimate medical purposes. Such discrimination could be a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 9.

Can a legal secretary refuse a drug test?

And a legal secretary found slumped at her desk, unable to respond cogently to questions asked of her, was also considered fair game for a drug test. As an employee, you can always refuse to take a workplace drug test. But, if you are fired because of your refusal, you may have little recourse.

Can a pre employment drug test rule out non illegal substances?

Some medications will preliminarily test non-negative, but the confirmatory tests will rule out any non-illegal substances. Employers cannot discriminate in their hiring practices based on an applicant’s use of prescription medication for legitimate medical purposes. Such discrimination could be a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.