How did defendant qualify for the credit card she allegedly received?

How did defendant qualify for the credit card she allegedly received?

QUESTION 2: How did DEFENDANT qualify for the credit card she allegedly received, which is the ORIGINAL CREDITOR account referred to in Plaintiff’s complaint? ANSWER: QUESTION 3: With regard to the ORIGINAL CREDITOR account referred to in Plaintiff’s complaint, please provide the names and addresses for each cardholder.

How are employment claims settled in New York?

Some employment claims are settled with employers without resorting to a lawsuit. The rest are litigated through the judicial system, beginning with an attorney filing a formal complaint in court on behalf of the employee.

How to ask Supervisor deposition questions for harassment?

Explore relevant documents with the supervisor so that his explanation of the paper trail developed by the employer is secured under oath.

How to cross examination a supervisor in a civil case?

Through extensive cross-examination, you can learn the potential subject matter areas where the supervisor is most vulnerable, which areas can be exploited during trial. These potential weak areas then become the focus of attack during cross-examination at trial.

Some employment claims are settled with employers without resorting to a lawsuit. The rest are litigated through the judicial system, beginning with an attorney filing a formal complaint in court on behalf of the employee.

Why are depositions important in an employment lawsuit?

This technique serves to cast doubt on your credibility with the jury, who hold the fate of your claim in their hands. Given the foregoing, your deposition may well be the most critical piece of evidence in your employment lawsuit. No pressure there, right?

Explore relevant documents with the supervisor so that his explanation of the paper trail developed by the employer is secured under oath.

Can a lawyer ask you questions during a deposition?

That means if your case proceeds to trial, and you are questioned from the witness stand, the opposing attorney can and will question you about answers you gave on the record during your deposition — even if the deposition occurred months or years before your trial.